SNAKE JUICE DIET CRAZE! Better than Ketogenic?

in #diet7 years ago (edited)

Hey a good friend the other day told me about a super cool fasting diet called SNAKE DIET!

He lost 82 lbs, got baby soft skin, scars gone, and stronger than he has been in 25 yrs! He didn't get hungry, and still did heavy exercising! He said some even got rid of tumors!

WARNING: This SNAKEDIET dude swears a lot. So if some can't handle it I tried here to write a summary: If anybody else comes across one or would like to write one please forward to me!

Eat meals at least 4x more vegies than protein on feeding days? but I saw him on his first 5 day he prepped eating a lot of fruit and another video he ate watermelon all day.

Basically ideally you want to do this snakejuice fast at least 48 hrs and better if 72 hrs. The difference between this fast and others is you are drinking electrolytes which totally makes sense. He says water fasts don't make sense at all. Its basically the same fluid they use for intravenous feeding at the hospital.

The lemon juice/ACV is optional later he says: (can add baking soda or coral calcium or drink thru straw to preserve teeth) and as much red cayenne pepper you can handle is a good option. Do the fast for at least 48 hrs and best 72 hrs or longer. Saw somewhere he said 'No physical activity during this time or some of you may faint? But my friend exercises and so does the snake dude. Maybe for beginners?

WATER: he recommends EVIAN as he tested the ph. Ph has to 7 or greater and have TTD of at least what it says below: 120? He said drink only 1 liter of water with the snake juice/ day(around 4 c??? wow that's not much but the idea is to let the body pull water out of you elsewhere. There's a real dry fast where you can't even brush your teeth or take showers!) of water / day and only if you are working out heavily can go to 2 liters but no more than 2 liters.

One can add baking soda or coral calcium to filtered water at home possibly to increase the ph of your water.

he suggests getting Keto test strips also.

initial setup.jpg


A good link for some of his other videos:

There are a lot of photos of testimonials on his FB page.


found you on Steemit dtube!!!! great.