This Food Will Make You Successful - I am My Stomach My Stomach Is Me

in #diet6 years ago

Use or think of this mantra as you read:

I am my stomach, my stomach is me.
If I treat my stomach poorly, that's the way I treat me.
I am my stomach, my stomach is me.
The way I treat my stomach, is the way I treat me.



Everyone's yards should have a garden. That land needs to be put to good productive use, otherwise it is just sitting there for nothing! Take back your independence and freedom from the system!

Food I eat that from my experience makes me successful.
This food will make you successful because I believe all good health starts in the stomach. The stomach (which I use as a broad term, because all parts of the body are connected and ultimately are one piece, or is one thing. You are a stomach lets say, instead of a body.) is responsible for your mental health and physical (agility) health. You CANNOT have positive mental and physical health if your stomach does not get the nutrients , minerals and vitamins it needs. If your stomach cannot digest a certain nutrient, lets says B 12 as an obvious example (But really you can use any nutrient, mineral or vitamin because ALL are needed) you will become depressed and ill in both forms. You will become unbalanced. Or if you don't get these nutrients, minerals and vitamins, the same thing will occur.
I don't need to say that hospitals and doctors today (In "western culture." Lets make up a new term for this, comment below for ideas!) have become wise in their own eyes, but are ignorant in what is actually the truth. Or the way the Bible puts it (I am not a Christian or religious):

"Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" Isaiah 5:21

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the incorruptible God (Truth, natural health that comes from the native earth and comes in raw natural forms) into an image made like to corruptible man (Modern medicinal's. Drugs. Shit that is man made but doesn't correct the problem, but only covers it up Lol. Etc.)

Side Note: For some reason I see a lot of parallels with the Bible and the way things are today, I think I know why but tell me what you think.
To be clear I don't think Jesus is coming back. At least the way people think. I don't even think he is real. But I do see synchronicity's with the bible that seem like they are a blue print for what this world could be (Not exactly though). Metaphors to be are blueprints. God and Jesus are just words people use to describe things they cannot, well, describe. Even a person with the broadest imagination cannot imagine it. Anyway share your thoughts on this, I don't mean to sound crazy because I AM NOT RELIGIOUS AT ALL, I just know and have experienced a lot of things. I think it ALL RELATES BACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS. :)

Back to food.


Basically what you will see is that as long as you are eating REAL food, whether it be meat, fruits or vegetables, you will be successful. It is also best to grow your own food as much as is possible where you live, or buy from someone who can do it for you (Encourage your friends to grow gardens if they have big back yards (Or if you do) and you can sell to each other produce and create your own economy. Pay with crypto? ;D The people of the world have to take our power back!)

I think it is okay to eat meat, I don't think it is immoral because I believe their are things in meat that we NEED for health. All I can say is, experiment for yourself. I was vegan for 4 years and I eat meat again. I feel more whole in my mind and body when I eat meat for some reason, the reason being I am getting nutrients, minerals ad vitamins I need. That said I am never opposed to learning more and going away from meat IF I CAN STILL BE HEALTHY without it, but I don't think I can as of yet. I JUST FEEL SO MUCH BETTER, and honestly IT TASTES SO GOOD. If our taste buds and our stomachs are part of our instincts, they are definitely telling me to eat a lot of meat. I am more muscular because of this too.

Salmon/ Fish
I would say basically any meat, but follow your taste buds and stomach, which are kind of your instincts in this case.
Raw milk (Cow or Goat)
Unpasteurized cheese

Almost any fruit in season ;D

Basically any vegetables ;D Lol
Green beans

As long as it comes from the ground (Not always) and it is or was alive at one point before you consumed it, you will be healthy. That's the way this living green earth works! There is food everywhere on this earth. We are not in deprivation or catastrophe mode like we have been taught, I think anyway. Everyday I look out the world (The real world, nature and creation, which we are a apart of) I see thing going a long just fine. All this chaos we are told is happening, riots and things, I think is just propaganda to make us feel like the world is falling apart, when it is in fact not. It is not going perfectly of course, but "Satan" lol (A metaphor for the elite? Or lies and propaganda?) try to terrorize us daily with misinformation and hatred.

tongva village tongvatribe net.jpg

Let me know what you think about my ideas on health. Remember to start using Crypto Currency so we can change the world for good, take the power back form the elite who are full of liars and have stolen from us our birthright.
We all deserve to be free in Mind, Body and Spirit and are not supposed to follow any man made laws and rules, that make us slaves. Power and Freedom can all start with your health, WHAT YOU EAT. You are your stomach.



Use these mantras to help open your philosophical mind, the mind that see parallels and coincidences, synchronicity's:


I am my stomach, my stomach is me.
If I treat my stomach poorly, that's the way I treat me.
I am my stomach, my stomach is me.
The way I treat my stomach, is the way I treat me.

You can change this mantra and use it for just about anything. If you have already come to the epiphany that we are everything (In a way) and everything is us, we are one, you can substitute the word stomach with almost any other noun.

For example:

I am you, you are me.
The way I treat you, is the way I will treat me.


I am the world/earth, the world/earth is me.
The way I treat the world/earth, is the way I will treat me.


The way I treat myself, is the way I treat others.

If you take care of your possessions, your possessions will take care of you.

Let me know of other mantras you can think of in the comments!

Lets take back control of our lives fellow Steemian's and 4th dimensional beings! I want to here from you!


Health is wealth. So we need to be very careful about our health. Thanks for sharing this useful information.