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RE: Un-killable Dietes

in #dietes6 years ago

Dietes grandiflora - wild iris
Grassy plant, ideal for landscaping, weed suppressing and erosion control. Hardy, ideal around waterways or soaks. Charming white iris-like flowers with lilac centres, on tall 120cm stems. Larger plant than the similar-looking iridiodes, with longer-lasting larger flowers.


DESCRIPTION: Clumping grassy plant with tall straight flowering stems. Flowers are white, open, iris-like hence the name; large and white.
USES: Companion planting, erosion control, weed suppression, low maintenance gardens, landscaping, borders and edging, waterway banks.
CARE: Drought and frost hardy so little maintenance is needed after initial care.
PLANTING: Does well in most situations and tolerates wet but well drained soil. Responds to fertiliser and can be lifted and divided to get numbers.
HEIGHT: 1.2 x 1.2 metre
PLEASE NOTE: These plants are tube-stock plants, with the benefit of being a young plant they will establish quickly in your garden. The average size of your plants will be 15 -25 cm in height with a pot size of 42 mm wide and 80 mm high.
