#1. draw as warm a bath as is comfortable.......
#2. With a bath pillow (some people use 2) and or, your arms to keep your head above water lay TUMMY DOWN in the tub , knees bent feet UP.
#3. stay in this position for at least 15 minuets (if you are in pain or distress at any time STOP and contact your healthcare provider for re-assessment)
#4. FEEL gravity and water buoy shift and release gas......
#5. Reach under your tummy, with your LEFT hand, Going in small circles, going around no more than 8 times in a single space, START at the TOP of the left side of your belly,going down towards your hip, this will be about 4 or 5 spaces.
#6. Next, Massage from YOUR right to your left (still laying on your tummy) slowly, in a line just under the rib cage.
#7. THEN, On your right side from the top down, then a few spaces in the middle.......anywhere that feels neglected really.
#8. Rest more or get out as you like..........Can be done once daily at the most.