The Digibyte's Alerts Telegram Group, which was created to only release official statements from Digibyte, released the following message at 8:38 AM EST on Wed. June 21, 2017.
Citi has asked Jared and team to speak as well as participate in a panel discussion in Hong Kong tomorrow at the Citi Hong Kong FinTech Challenge 2017. #ShapeTheFuture. Details still incoming.
The following link was also sent following the above message:
DGB Alerts then later clarified the statement:
To clarify we are not competing directly for any award tomorrow that is HK based. However as a global Tech 4 Integrity Finalist we have been asked by Citi to demo DiguSign, speak and participate on a panel discussion. We are very honored by their request and we look forward to interacting with several Asia based businesses.
It appears as though Jared's presentation from the Citi Tech Challenge in Singapore made an impact on Citi since they requested him to demo, speak and be a part of a panel discussion. It proves to those who were starting to doubt DGB that there IS some value to their tech.
In the 20 minutes following the message we are already seeing a small spike begin to form in Digibyte's coin value on Bittrex. This could be the end of the stagnant 1-2 weeks the coin has seen sitting around 1000-1200 satoshis.
Digibyte Website:
Digibyte Alerts Telegram Group:
We should see a good boost on #Digibyte price by the end of today for this news 👍👍
price did not move up, so I guess nothing great happened there