Hello there! Do you know gaming can help you reduce stress and also reduce your overthinking.
How about you hear me talk about how gaming helped me build my self courage and also reduce my thinking.
Gaming is also part of the thing I can recommend for any one who needs to take a break from overthinking and stress
I used to get worked up with my own thinking and I create several multiverse and universal in my head just to take my mind off what is going on around me. Which most people do just like me and sometimes you end up creating a realistic image in your head and thst tends to mess with you activities and thinking sometimes.
Finding alternative way to help myself, that when I found gaming could work.
Daily activities can sometimes be so filled up that you tend not to have time for yourself, and when you get to bed you overthink and it tends to mess with your sleep.
Everyone or Anyone could pick up a game it not a must a complex one. There are millions of games out there with various categories that you can pick your interest in.
Alright am about to dive into how gaming helped me
Well I don't play games often but when am free or need to free my mind and clear my head I just play games.
I will be using Racing games here and how it help me. I will tried to make it more realistic and make it look more pictured
Cars Racing is very in amazing from the car sound (vooomvoooo) to the wheels and drift and how you could do your free will.
Driving a real car will require you be very careful to avoid accident and alot of practice. Playing Racing games would give you the impression on how to drive and relief your stress and thinking.
Did somebody just say How?
Hey yes you I know you said that. Love to see how interested you are to know how it help me and how it could also help you.
Alright let me skip to the Racing field not a real field though 🤭. I went on the game store and look for a unique Racing gaming and found one, well have played it alot over the years but it has been a while.
Firstly all I did was start up the game and pick a car of my choice or the available one. One thing you should know is the sound is very important that the part that help you maintain and reduce your stress and thinking.
Secondly I picture myself in the car I picked and take over the wheels and then free my mind. Seeing myself speeding up, moving from left to right and also feeling the sound of the trye (skkkkkkfuu),
to the drift and turns.
I love Racing car at a high speed because the sound goes (eeeeeeeee) 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And i kept on doing it over and over achieving level and new cars and developing my skills and also reducing my thinking because I see myself Racing the car in my head and even after you stop playing you can still feel yourself Driving and the sounds keep coming in your head.
Those sound really help me overcome my thinking and also reduce my stress.
I'm also a fan of games most especially car race but then life has a way of keeping us occupied and these day I barely get engaged with games.
I wouldn't want to get in a car driven by you, with this your fast and furious imagination 😂
🤣🤣 even when I drive a real car, I speed alot. But I don't engage in games like before. But it comforting