Monero (XMR) may be the most private cryptocurrency due to its use of Ring Signatures. The Monero price recently exploded to more than $300. Many people want to buy it and this post will explain the different ways.
Buy Monero with Credit Card or Debit Card
Unfortunately there is no easy and direct way to buy Monero with a credit card in the USA. If you live in Europe or the rest of the world then go to the next exchange on our list.
If you live in the USA you will first have to buy bitcoins with your credit card.
Coinbase is the easiest way to buy bitcoin with a credit card in the USA with USD.
Once you have the bitcoins you can use Binance (review) to convert your bitcoins to Monero in about 10 minutes.
Coinbase is available in the United States, Canada, Europe, UK, Singapore, and Australia.
If Coinbase does not work for you, Coinmama allows you to buy bitcoins with credit card from nearly any country. Once you get the bitcoins convert them to XMR using Binance.
Buy Monero with Bank Account
Again, if you live in the USA then you must first buy bitcoins with your bank account using Coinbase or a similar service. Once you get the bitcoins from Coinbase you can use Binance (review) to convert the bitcoins to XMR.
If you live in Europe you can use BitPanda. If you live in any other country then you can use our home page to find a Bitcoin exchange in your country that accepts bank transfer. Then once you buy bitcoins you can convert them to Monero within 10 minutes.
Buy Monero with PayPal
There is no way to directly buy Monero with PayPal. You will have to first buy bitcoin with PayPal and then convert the bitcoins to XMR using a service like Binance.
Buy XMR with Cash
There is no way to directly purchase Monero with cash. Not even any ATMs support buying Monero.
You will first have to buy bitcoins with cash and then convert the BTC to XMR using a service like Changelly.
Buy Monero with Bitcoin
You can use Binance to easily exchange bitcoins for Monero.
Buy XMR with Skrill
BitPanda allows Europeans to buy bitcoin with Skrill. Once you buy bitcoins you can use Binance to exchange them for Monero (XMR).
Buy Monero with Ethereum
You can use Binance to easily exchange Ethereum for Monero.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Monero gaining so much popularity?
Monero is the most private cryptocurrency which unfortunately leads it to be used to buy items online. Bitcoin is not that private and many in search of extra privacy see Monero as the best privacy focused alternative.
Monero Price
Monero was just $1 in March 2016 and has increased by about 90x as it now stands at $87.30.
What is Monero browser mining?
Many people have heard about Monero because there have been reports in the mainstream media that websites are using their readers’ browsers to web mine Monero. This allows the website to earn a small amount of XMR from each reader, often more than the the site earns from ads.
There is a lot of argument as to whether the site should ask the user for permission. Many sites to ask, but many simply do it in the background without the user knowing.
Why is there no direct way to buy Monero (XMR) in many cases?
Monero only recently gained popularity so in many cases it is still not supported by all exchanges. This will likely change soon as cryptocurrency goes mainstream and exchanges add support for more coins like Monero and Ripple.
Can anyone buy Monero?
If you are able to buy cryptocurrency in your country, then you can buy Monero. You just need to be able to buy bitcoins. If you can do that then you can easily exchange the bitcoins for Monero (XMR)
Is it better to mine Monero or buy it?
Monero can be mined but like with any cryptocurrency it is usually better just to buy it if your main goal is obtaining it. Mining is very complex. It requires thousands of dollars of investment, time, and cheap electricity.
Which payment method is best to use?
Buying bitcoins with bank account (or Monero directly with bank account) and exchanging the BTC for Monero is probably the cheapest way.
For speed, buying Monero with credit card is best but the fees are higher.
What should I do with my XMR once I buy it?
You should store your Monero in a secure wallet.
Can you sell XMR?
Yes, you can. Changelly will allow you to convert your XMR to any other cryptocurrency. To get back regular currency you can exchange XMR for bitcoin and exchange the bitcoins on an exchange for dollars, euro, or any other currency.
You can buy Monero with crypto kiosk