Como antes había contado, me gustan muchísimo las pinturas simples coloridas y esta no se escapa de eso.
En esta ocasión les presento un homenaje a la vida, donde vemos un corazón un poco distorsionado, floreciendo o renaciendo como lo quieran interpretar. Representa la salud, la vida, el amor.
Mi esposo es mi compañero de vida, mi amigo, un padre amoroso y agradezco a Dios y a la vida por darle la oportunidad de continuar este camino a nuestro lado contagiándonos con su sonrisa y gran corazón.
Quise realizar esta obra para recordarnos la importancia de estar vivos y juntos y disfrutar el día a día llenando de colores nuestros momentos.
Este camino del arte digital lo voy transitando paso a paso, pero muy emocionada de todos los días ir aprendiendo, espero les guste esta obra hecha con el corazón.
This work is dedicated to my husband, who underwent a triple coronary bypass.
As I had said before, I really like colorful simple paintings and this one does not escape from that.
This time I present a tribute to life, where we see a slightly distorted heart, flourishing or rebirth as you want to interpret it. Represents health, life, love.
My husband is my life partner, my friend, a loving father and I thank God and life for giving him the opportunity to continue this path by our side, infecting us with his smile and big heart.
I wanted to do this work to remind us of the importance of being alive and together and enjoying the day to day filling our moments with colors.
I am going through this path of digital art step by step, but I am very excited about learning every day, I hope you like this work made with the heart.