[Ink on a small chunk of found cardboard with digital embellishments and color. 2020.]
Harold likes Pac-Man...as a friend, anyway. He stepped off his porch, one morning (no easy task considering he had no feet), and disappeared for three years.
As it's only been two and a half years at this point since Harold vanished, we'll have to wait until late summer to find out where he's been. Meanwhile, his favorite jacket has been cheating on him, and his toaster committed suicide after learning that Harold wasn't bringing his scratch off tickets. (The reason Harold left his apartment.)
Harold's cat, Figaro, became a bestselling author a few months after the vanishing, known for his groundbreaking novel, "Meow." (You've seen him on all the talk shows licking his own behind, no doubt.) Some have speculated that Harold may have been abducted by aliens, who were contracted by the cat, and that he has been taken on a strange galactic adventure. A matchbook, found at the scene the morning of his disappearance, with the letters, "T X M," written in green crayon on the back, is frequently cited as evidence of the alien plot, as some believe that Harold himself dropped the matchbook as a clue after scribbling the letters on it, which believers claim stand for the words "Taken by Martians."
Regardless of where Harold has gone, Pac-Man could not be reached for comment.
---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)