WINNER!!!!!! Digital Art Contest Round #1. Theme for Round #2 ~ "Awesome Autumn Art.". This time I decided to use my own photos.My dear friend Trudee, @trudeehunter is running a digital art contest, you can read more about it here
This is my first edit, a dahlia with a little digital help, now it looksl ike a painting. Or at least that's what I want to see. Since the theme is "Awesome Autumn Art", the leaves of the lower are brown.
This is the original dahlia photo from the garden. Not my best photo, I know :))
My second entry is an edit of a sunflower. Here, instead of keeping the obvious yellow I prefered to make it blue with white and add some colours so now it looks like a watercolour painting.
And this is the original photo, the yellow sunflower with bees having lunch.
Digital Art Contest Round #1. Theme for Round #2 ~ "Awesome Autumn Art.", she has a tutorial as well.If you're interested in digital art, please visit @trudeehunter's post
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These are two very bold and beautiful entries @erikah I am constantly amazed at the transformation which takes place when we apply digital effects to original photos. I love the originals too don't get me wrong. It's the variety and semi-abstract look that is created with digital applications that fascinates me. Thanks so much for your entries and for promoting this contest.
I have to thank you my dear friend for the nice comment! I'm glad you like my entries :)
Truly awesome digital work and I def got the feeling I see painting.
Thanks Neli, I'm glad you like it :)