Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

in #digitalmarketing6 years ago

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
PPC or Pay-Per-Click is an internet advertising method t direct traffic towards your website by paying money to the publisher (who can advertise your website or channel) and he used to put advertisements on your website which we mainly know as ads and when they are clicked they generate revenue.
Pay-Per-Clicks are commonly associated with the search engines such as Google Ad words or Face book Ads. In which the one who wants to gain traffic create a campaign and enter the amount of traffic he wants or which the Ad words or Face book Suggest to him according to the money he will pay. Pay-Per-Clicks can be understood as the payment that you give for a click on your advertisement. They advertise your content to the people and you pay them for that.
Selling your products online these days is really considerable and is done by many brands and companies to take more peoples towards their market and to grow their business in the market as well as in the online market. So if you are starting a sales business and you want to get more traffic and wants to attract people towards your business you should keep these things in your mind before starting a sales business.
• What is the demand of the people?
• What are the needs?
• Who are my competitors and how can i overcome my competitors?
• How can I grow my business and attract more people?

So the simple answer to all of these questions is same that if you really want to grow your business divides it in these things.

  1. Make a plan.
  2. Manage your financial resources.
  3. Make relations with the environment and people.
  4. Follow the people demand.
  5. Make quality products.
    If you follow all of these of the above questions your half of the work is done. Now for the other half of the business to grow get take out some of your money and give it Google Ad words or Face book to advertise your business or content so the people around the world came to know that what you are manufacturing and what is your idea. This will take some time but at last you will be able to run your business perfectly you will have traffic online as well as in the real world that will share your business and makes you a happy rich man.
    The way I suggest Google Ad words or Face book ads because they gave you more traffic for a very low budget you can pay them on daily basis and your business will be advertised before the millions of people. The more money you invest in the more traffic you will get for your business and once you have gained the traffic in both ways online and offline you will be able to get your money back in few days that you have invested for the purpose of your product or business marketing. The way in which the PPC works can be determined by a formula that is,
    Pay-per-click ($) = Advertising cost ($) / Ads clicked (#).
    There are two models of PPC that best follows the above mention formula to calculate Pay-Per-Click and show you that what is best for your business.
    • Flat-Rate PPC
    • Bid-Rate PPC
    In flat rate PPC the advertiser and the publisher agree upon a fixed price for each click while in the bid rate PPC the advertiser signs a contract with the publisher that how much he will pay for the amount of clicks on the advertisement.
    The purpose of the PPC is to produce cost effectiveness and profitability in the internet business giving a person a much reliable spot to grow his/her online business.
