Thank you . I am doing digital painting here and sometimes i do digital process also.
Using a digital medium gives you a great abilities of expression.
That sounds like fun! I have spent a lot of time working with digital art, and always enjoyed it. What software programs are you using? I use to use Photo Shop a lot, but now use Pixelmator. It's very similar, but more affordable.
I know painter very well but i am using gimp now because i am on Linux.
Painter is best for art painters . I am satisfied with gimp because i am not looking for visual effects for now. Your work is very good . I have seen your work on the other site also and i liked it. I have already left a question under one of your posts already.
I don't know Pixelmator.
Thank you . I am doing digital painting here and sometimes i do digital process also.
Using a digital medium gives you a great abilities of expression.
That sounds like fun! I have spent a lot of time working with digital art, and always enjoyed it. What software programs are you using? I use to use Photo Shop a lot, but now use Pixelmator. It's very similar, but more affordable.
I know painter very well but i am using gimp now because i am on Linux.
Painter is best for art painters . I am satisfied with gimp because i am not looking for visual effects for now. Your work is very good . I have seen your work on the other site also and i liked it. I have already left a question under one of your posts already.
I don't know Pixelmator.
I knew you were awesome for more than one reason. I love using Linux too. Yeah GIMP is a great program.