Hi everybody
I've already talked about the Digiwage
But I will put you today in this publication about his book published to win a lot of it,
my brothers We will now start talking about the digiwage, which is a new project and its project is very strong
and has a brilliant future and also a very high security insurance, my brothers
Therefore, I advise you to invest, continue and support this process.
Now the DigiWage price is affordable and they are trading at $ 0.005 and its candidate to be at the beginning
of the new year and will see another price and the members of the digiwage cryptocurrency team are working
well on this project and will be if God wants the price of 0.1 or 0.3 so I recommend buying and storage
I am among those people who are buying to ensure a guaranteed gain from Digiwage
Here are some trading platforms you are trading on :
Cryptobridge : https://wallet.crypto-bridge.org/market/BRIDGE.WAGE_BRIDGE.BTC
Crex24 : https://crex24.com/exchange/WAGE-BTC
Information about digiwage cryptocurrency security :
Basic job graph digiwage:
All payments and warranty are sent from Digiwage Core Client,
And was broadcast in Digiwage P2P network. Each signature signed by
Each person or party uses its own exclusive keys, making fraud impossible or tampering with
These private keys must remain secure on the user's computer for not being stolen by the hacker.
Her career fee:
And also a special wallet It is completely safe, including a computer wallet and Android phones
PC Wallets: https://github.com/digiwage/digiwage/releases/
Android Mobile Wallet : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digiwagewallet
I will not prolong you so let's start what is the Bounty Article :
You must have an account on Bitcointalk because the team wants information about you in this bounty
And also an account on Twitter, Facebook, Descord, Telegram and others if possible to avoid problems Ponte work
Content must be content from its digiwage content and not copied and pasted in order to get the bonus
Rules and procedures required :
- must be original least 300 words or more .
- The article must be in English and any other language
can be requested on the condition of consulting the digiwage team here https://discord.gg/eFmy9qD - Articles must have the following links:
RULES : - Website: https://digiwage.org/ - Whitepaper: https://coin.digiwage.org/Digiwage_White_Paper_2.0.pdf - Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/FVQq4xE67-6qCduxbfoxEA
- Join our bounty group at https://t.me/joinchat/KIAiOxDngG7GQ_jyhLOK6g
- Post your work in this thread via comment in following format
Code :
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link to article: #Article bounty #week 1
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