We survived the Bloodbath these past few days and now things are looking up!
Or are they?
This was a really good opportunity for the true believers to stand firm and weak well....to die.
It was informed to me that this last dip was NOTHING in comparison to the deaths of #Bitcoin in 2011 or 2013. Y
Lets face it your mettle will be tested in the next few months. Future market bonds on shorting the market are being maturing on and ironically a recent one that matured coincided with this recent dip. Apparently another one is on the way. (Draw your own conclusion about it if you will)
So now you understand the graphic. No- BTC or ETH are not broken. But certain newbs have been. Bitconnect 💀oh well, we tried to warn people.
So if you're new to the game watch out sh#tco!ns. @mrviquez will be on the next post talking about what to watch out for.
Until then hang tough in this game ALL of you, we know this will be a bumpy ride- 2018 as cliché as it sounds this is going to be unlike other year.