in #discipline7 years ago

The principle of success is discipline. And the road to the top are many obstacles that will come our way but with discipline and determination, we will climb the mountain top.

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The beautiful damsel, so beautiful than anyone could ever imagine. Her beauty reflects at night and in the morning it glitters. She have three sisters, but her sisters are not as beautiful as she is. Her beauty made great men to be attracted to her. When men discovered her beauty, they decided to offer anything just to have her attention. She started dominating men because of her beauty, this made her to have dominion over her men. She don't settle for less, always go for the best. She is beautiful without character. She brought so many great men down, killed some because they fight to have her. In the process, most men lost their lives. She cut short destinies of so many young men, and vowed to do more.

When you have a goal, face the goal, don't allow any obstacle to distract you. Obstacle is something that comes around our way, but the way we handle it matters. When you are bound to be lifted, look upwards, don't look downwards, because when you look down, the only thing you see are things that will distract your mind from what you need to achieve.

As many that are going to their destination, this beautiful damsel draws their attention towards her direction. When you have direction and you don't have appointment you will change direction. When you have appointment and you don't have direction, meditate and work out your direction, and once you get direction, place your attention in your direction to come against any distraction that would come your way. Distraction will only draw your attention and when your attention is being drawn, you will change direction.

So many great men that had directions, their directions were distracted and they gave this beautiful damsel their attention, this was how they lost focus and placed their attention on this beautiful damsel. This gave her the strength to destroy so many great destines.

Your destiny lies in your attention. When you give your attention to sleep, you get poverty, when you give your attention to fighting and quarrelling, the police will be your friend. When you give your attention to women, you sell out your destiny, by so doing, you stop half way.

In other for you to overcome pleasures and enjoyment, you must have self control and discipline. Discipline is what we must apply to our daily lives. If you don't have discipline, children will play with your emotions. So discipline is one of the basic keys that will make you to be focused.

Check the areas that you are weak and discipline yourself. If you love food so much, you have to deal with it. If you love sleeping a lot, you have to deal with it. If you love party, you have to deal with it. If you love fighting and quarrelling, you have to deal with it. If you love the opposite sex, you have to deal with it. If you don't deal with your weakness today, you will meet it tomorrow.

No one can ever run away from his/her shadow, but you can control your shadow. Your shadow always move when you move. Your shadow have no power to run ahead of you, but at the same time you can never be faster than your shadow. If you can control your shadow, you can control your weakness, because your weakness is like your shadow that you can not behold, but you can feel it inside of you.

The only way to overcome your weakness is discipline and self control. When you move forward, your shadow is ahead of you, then when you turn around, your shadow will be at your back. Same goes to the challenges you face in life, don't allow them to be ahead of you, always back them the way you back your shadow.

This beautiful damsel became the shadow of many great men. The moment she steps in, they find her ahead of them, no one was able to back her. In their sleep they see her, in their talk they imagine her. What we imagine matters a lot, when you imagine good things you get good result. When you imagine lust, you get carried away, once you are being carried away anything can happen to you.

One faithful day, a great man with direction passed by her abode and saw this beautiful damsel, he didn't stop, he was not carried away by her beauty. He said to himself: " Iam a man with direction, nothing can draw my attention". This beautiful damsel was surprised because no one has ever resisted her beauty, then she stopped the man and asked him out.

But the man replied: "I am a man of great potential with great vision, I did not include you in my plans, I have direction to follow and you are not in that direction. I can see that you are a distraction on my path. When she heard this from the man she said: "No one has ever resisted my beauty, I am the sun of beauty, I shine in any part I choose to. I have shone with others and yours can not be different ".

Then the man replied: I am the sun of the dew. I wet any part I chose to wet, no one has ever forced me against my wish, and it is not my desire to wet your land. So take your sun from my direction and shine on the ones that have no direction, because you can not distract my attention. I have conquered thousands of your kind, even the ones that are far beautiful than you are.

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This was how this beautiful damsel was defeated by a man with discipline, self control and direction. Now, for us to overcome obstacle that comes our way, we must be focused and self discipline. Most great men have done this mistake by given their attention to things that will distract them. In other for us not to be distracted, we need to work on ourselves, because there are many things that are ready to distract us from our dreams.

Thank you all for reading. Would love to get a feed back from you all.


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To be a great man, i have to place my focus. Not get distracted by the beauties of life. Great Men have fallen because the got distracted, it don't wish to be one of them.
@dee-y over and out.

Thanks for this inspirational post, I wish many people could see this to reachout to their potentials

This is a good post... Very inspirational