Discord is a chat service originally designed for gamers which has become a hub for all kinds of different interest groups, including several "truth" related servers. Yesterday, users began reporting that servers and even individual user accounts were being terminated without notice, and many users from my own server told me they were caught up in the purge. I have two Discord users join me on this show to explain what happened to them and they answer questions about their "neo-Nazi" and "alt-right" backgrounds.
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Any activity online is monitored by our "Best friends, our Allies, the only Democracy in the Middle East". If a platform gets big enough to become a threat, it will be shut down. Easy. Truthers will be more and more pushed into insignificant corners of the internet where they cannot make any damage.
The scary aspect of it is however, that everything you say is being recorded. And as we could see in the current youtube purge, what is legal now can be punished later. You can get fucked for something you posted a year ago.
I wrote an article about it.
It gets really scary... If you want to know what they already know about you, check out https://illuminus.io/en/ https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@herrleeb/they-know-more-about-you-than-you-do-yourself
lol discord purge. I'm starting to feel like cattle.
goy oh goy!
Yeah youtube is a dead end. For your type of content, that is. They prefer mindless near brain dead content consumers who drool as the ads play before, during and after their favorite pointless videos. You know the PewDiePie Keemstar types.
Nathan... youtube is truther cemetery. There's no point in even trying anymore...
Anti Defamation League ... they are the ones monitoring the web for Neo Nazi stuff ...
I just found out you were here on steemit. I always enjoyed you videos on Youtube but would not register and could not comment and support what you are doing. Now I can.
Thanks for sharing, and reporting on the horrible censorship taking place.