i used to spend a lot of time in there, but only to "hang out" with people from the @cervantes group. I have actually met lots of great people and made friends with many of them too. I personally think it is great to meet a lot of creators and to get help if you don't know much about using the block chain and crypto currency in general. There's many people very wiling to help.. and also you get to really connect with people and it is really worth it .
I don't go in there much anymore, but it is for the same reason that i don't really post as regularly as i used to. Lack of time and grown up stuff. haha.
I am glad to see you doing so well Lea! you are awesome! love everything you do!
I hear ya... it's hard to fit in everything we need to do as an adult AND make content. haha
Thanks for your feedback on discord! I'm glad to hear you've had a positive experience too. It's been really fun to get to chat with people in a more unplugged setting. :)
Big love to you my friend!