This is the future in North America unless something changes quick - California just passed a bill about the same issue.
"An Alberta Christian school that clashed with its school division over teaching certain Bible verses may be forced to shut down. The Battle River School Division voted last week to close Cornerstone Christian Academy in Kingman, Alta., southeast of Edmonton at the end of the school year."
"The relationship started to fray about a year ago when the school division asked the school to stop teaching certain Bible verses that discussed sexuality. School division trustees said that they believed the verses could contravene Alberta's human rights code."
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If we wont let our children read the bible in schools, they end up reading it in prisons.
There is a secret ploy to deprive Christians from practicing their beliefs. Some governments around the world have even started enacting laws to favor such cause. If the church don't speak out now, it may be difficult to oppose when such I'll treatment against the faith of christians is generally accepted. May God help us all and fight for his church.
Amen! In the meantime, let us not forget how the early churches raised up in the midst of extreme persecution - maybe the time has come :)
Sadly it’s not the future for America
In many states it’s slready here. It will get much worse but it has begun. All Christians and even atheists who value freedom must fight. The time to talk is over.
Amen brother.
That's when the so-called human "rights" is placed higher than the truth. The liberal-controlled California senate pretty much trying to snick the AB 2943 bill, claiming "equality". That is what the Bible says it all, these people decided not to follow God, and in the meantime, encourage and do whatever they can to make sure people don't follow God. However, one thing I am sure for fact that our God is just, and He will for sure hold everyone accountable for their choice and action. Don't lose hope my brothers and sisters, our Lord Jesus has promised us that He will for sure come back (Revelation 22:20) - we will for sure be persecuted in the end times, because they world has forsake our Lord, they will for sure forsake and persecute us! "Come, Lord Jesus, COME!"
Amen! He who endures til the end shall be saved..
It is a sad news @wilx .. The Bible is the one light is this world that guides us.
If your a Bible school you teach the Bible not humanism or any other ism. Thanks @wilx
smacks my forehead ... of all things to end and it has to be this? there is so much horrible in this world ... ugh!
The thing that bothers me is many Christians I know say there’s no need to fight because they will be taken b4 the tribulation. For all we know that period could be 1000 years or more away. We need to fight not ignore..... sorry for the fired up response
This just makes me sick that so many aren’t publicly outraged over this
Please let us all pray for God divine intervention in this matter.