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RE: Different tiers of citizens

in #discussion7 years ago (edited)

Sorry if I was unclear. I agree that nations, at least as we currently know them are extremely inefficient. I'm just also slighted worried that the NaaS become a pretext to instaure the rule of the strongest as law (=> write in stone (Law/Constitution) the current state of affairs, making it even harder/really impossible to reverse).

Part of the huge inefficiency of our current states are their inability to enforce properly: rich people avoiding justice and taxes, minorities targeted by the police...

Glad to see you adopting the term adopting the term though, I will keep writing on the topic I think as there so many questions left to answer. The next one will probably be around the "monopoly of legitimate violence" in a NaaS, and overall the enforcement in a NaaS.

Thanks for suggesting some reading. I was familiar already with the idea of the monkey sphere and the Iron Law (called differently in French), but had never heard about the Phyles.

Edit: I've read the Cryptonomicon with a lot of interest, and just found out that Neal Stephenson is behind The Diamond Age. I'll definitely give it a read thanks for the rec!


you're welcome.
hope to see more of your writing.