"take THAT flat-earthers"
Best line in awhile, made me laugh.
As for the future of "SkyNet" the future looks bleak for the legacy carriers if they can bring down the cost. But of course pricing will start out 3 percent cheaper, then after a year 33 percent more expensive than current legacy systems.
I don't THINK so.
the price of putting sattelites in orbit is getting cheaper every day.
if they try that...someone ELSE will do the same thing.
competition is a FINE thing.
Dial-up and 5mb web page and 2 email addresses price less than $30.00, (about 10 years ago), smart phone web access over $150.00, no free email, and no free web space. Past speed history pricing does not bode well.
compare apples to apples.
not apples to a whole state full of orchards.
if you want what you had ten years ago what would it cost your right now?
Actually I don't want what I had 10 years ago, just pointing out as the speed got faster, the prices got higher, the services got fewer. That's all I was trying to show.I am not sure there is even dial-up available anymore, it certainly is not where I live, we do not even have phone lines running into our house, we have to have cell phones.