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RE: How Much Land does it take To provide enough food

in #discussion7 years ago

The energy to power the LEDS is generated from an area bigger than than the original one square foot of solar or is generated from fossil fuels or nuclear. The Laws are still in effect.

As Bucky Fuller suggested, the smallest perpetual motion machine is the Universe. Some of these food growing schemes are 21 Century versions of perpetual motion machines.

I’m all for feeding everyone. The inputs need to be sustainably sourced and the non-edible outputs need to be reused and not turned into pollution. Food should be produced locally and in a decentralize manner.

I just don’t see some of these vertical schemes as being much more than clever marketing to people who don’t understand basic physics.

I’ll continue to grow my food horizontally, using natural sunlight, harvested rain water, and compost. The only infrastructure I need is a bit of open land and a few hand tools.

Dependence on another energy intensive system to produce industrial food does not empower people to live free of the possibility of catastrophic failure of such a system.


The title of the post is
How Much Land does it take To provide enough food
For one person to live

The smaller the 'footprint' the higher the tech required.

Some people have more of a 'bit of land' than other do. For those who don't there are technical options.

How much land depends on what you are eating. Here’s an alternative...