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RE: Do Cryptocurrency Speculators Fear Utility?

in #discussion7 years ago

Absolutely! I totally believe that the utility, not only ads value. It gives the real value. Etrade -the stock broker is worth 12 billion dollars. Bitshares is worth 200 million. Steemit is worth 250 million and facebook is worth $500 billion. Facebook has about 1.3 billion users; that is 384 per user. Steemit has 171,000 accounts (Note: we don't know the number of Facebook accounts used in the last 30 days to compare with the correct steemit number.) which gives a value of $1300 for each account. Growth through is faster at Steemit. There are some good questions about proper value, but the value is still off in the distance that is about to be delivered.


Growth through is faster at Steemit.

How do you come to that?

171,000 accounts

Where do you get that number? When I query SteemSQL, I get 376,149 accounts.

I googled and saw a number that was 4 months old... Sorry. :-) What a great problem to have that numbers change so fast no one really knows what they are! Going with your 376K users the "average account" is worth $664 in market cap. And remember this is with very little marketing on Steemit.

Account Growth. Every Day 1,000 to 2,000 new accounts are created on Steemit. Do basic Math. 365 days times 2,000 accounts is 730,000 users! if we take your 376K number that means we will almost be three times the size end of the year. Facebook is growing more along the lines of 17% a year. Check out these charts...

At this point isn't a bit more useful to compare STEEM and to Reddit? The gap between STEEM and Facebook in terms of number of users, valuation and time-since-inception seems large enough that the comparison isn't that useful (to my mind anyway).

Yes, Redditt would be a better comparison. Two years ago Redditt was about 500 million; now it is estimated at 1.8 billion. It appears Reddit has about 100 times the traffic.

To do it right, we need to compare about 20 metrics on about 20 sites. Then we can draw some very general conclusions. I did an entire MBA course on stock evaluation. However that is overkill. If you take the top 30 crypto currencies and add up all their market caps. You get about 130 billion dollars. That would be the equivalent of someone buying every single bitcoin, steemit share, litecoin ect... now if you compare that to the market capitalization of Home Depot (180 billion); Visa (240 billion) or IBM (135 billion). Now you need to ask yourself what is growing faster and how much good can these technologies do to help us in the future. I would say the future benefits of all block chain tech is way more than the future benefits of one company.

That really puts things in perspective. Yes, I'd agree. Blockchain tech > Home Depot.