Global Warming

in #discussion7 years ago

is actually an anti-science movement

  • because the Global Warming alarmists refuse to debate the evidence, and they denounce anyone who disagrees with their theory.

  • Climate alarmists are people who seek answers and guidance from authority figures, and they believe that the government and the media will always tell them the truth.

That might be one reason that they hate Trump. He suggestss that they think for themselves. An Alien concept, the horror, the horror.

  • Climate skeptics are independent-minded critical thinkers, who do their own research, and do not trust authorities in the government and the enemedia to tell them the truth. other news......................
Northwest Passage Icebound

at the height of the melt season.

So much for Al Gore’s ice-free Arctic.


Greenland Summer One Of Coldest In 30 Years!

Greenland temperatures going down, down, down

Global warming is the biggest fraud in history


Being unwilling to debate alternatives is the crossing point into religious fanaticism. You can debate Christians and Jews, but not Muslims or global warming zealots.

Lol, so true

Yes, it is more a religion than anything else...

"You have to have faith", and "the priest said" is simply replaced by the label "consensus" which is not an aspect of the scientific method.

"Blasphemer", "Heretic", "Infidel", etc. has simply been replaced by the labels "Denier", "Conspiracy Theorist", etc.

It is not based on reason any longer so it might as well be a new religion. I referred to it as a Stealth Religion in something I wrote a couple of days ago.

You can even see people calling to fine, imprison, or kill deniers.

The replacement for being burned at the stake, though I think some have suggested doing that too.

I touched upon it a bit here where I also talked about other stealth religions.

Big concern for humanity and civilization

Global COOLING is more to be feared.
COLD kills more people than warming does.
If the earth get's warmer...more of those un-arable lands become farmable.
what's not to like about that?

I mean the same

do you really? lol. I think he's new

...this could be painful...


No I'll leave it be....;)

The only peer reviews of climate science publications are from those who follow the consensus view. There aren't publications of any research that offers alternative conclusions to the consensus. That means it's not vetted science... And that is why I don't buy the global warming conspiracy pounded in the mainstream media and the climate "science".

I was always suspcious, tbh, - but when Al Gore spent millions on a beach side mansion after talking about rising seas...

Gore will one day be remembered at of the creator of the original fake news

I think it’s the reason the quite pushing global warming and changed their vocabulary to climate change.

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