-- Cory Booker, Sherrod Brown, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren.
Network coverage of this vote in the first 24 hours? Zero on ABC, CBS, and NBC. Hours after this vote, Sanders appeared in an hour-long “town hall” on CNN without a single question on this. Warren was interviewed by Chris Hayes for 11 minutes on MSNBC, and no question.
These networks offered more air time and sympathy for vicious “ISIS bride” Hoda Muthana trying to re-enter America than they did for defenseless newborn babies. Just as they felt Ralph Northam wearing blackface was far worse than Northam favoring a woman’s “right to choose” infanticide. Blackface drew hours of coverage, and infanticide drew less than five minutes on the Big Three network shows.
Evidence why America doesn't trust the News Media and Congress even less.
Pure evil!