to filter salt and metal ions from water
SeaSteading Comes to mind
The potential and the possibilities are mindboggling
The problem is that large institutions who have the capacity to do something like this have a serious failure of imagination.
be of good cheer...the technology..she advances.
wealth is being created at a rate unimaginable in times past
it's only getting faster
and the trickle down theory of economics works
(rilly childish website..they should be ashamed)
The rich get richer..true.
but the poor get richer also
today I have more computing power than existed in the whole wide world
when I was born.
it would have cost Trillions of dollars then.
cost me a couple of thousand dollars now.
same thing with CNC machines..and 3D printers.
almost everything
comparing apples to apples everything is getting
Including filtering metal ions from seawater
“The poor get richer” this is something a lot of people need to understand.
Poverty is being reduced like never before in history (except in a few places like Venezuela) and technology takes great part in this.
Imagine everyone having quantum computer power in their pockets. Or, implanted in their own brain.
About things being cheaper, I think only in technology. Thanks to fiat’s inflation things get more expensive, but since technology advances exponentially, it gets cheaper.
you got it.
I blame public education and the FUDcurrs for the misunderstanding of the general public.
Today..right now...everyone in 'developed nations' (other than the mentally ill living on the street) are far richer than anyone alive a mere hundred years ago...
and they don't even realize it.
Cheers for the insight, I'd never known of SeaSteading but that's pretty cool. Just need main stream to adopt it and we could have sustainable society in every part of the globe. I'm all for the floating cities, it'd be like waterworld
why wait for the mainstream to adopt it?
it's scalable.
ve HAF ze Technology..
U speak truth!
Sadly many ignore these truths
In order to divide different classes
content super, photo awesome , no doubt, best work from best professional, best of luck,
upvoted beautiful photography.super camera work,lovely post, full adventure information, i liked it very much .dear respected if you like to check my blog, i am not expert, need your guide line too
Its awesome! Nice picture and content of it!:)
I'm really glad to see your content and seasteading photo. Really you are the master of steemit world.
Go on Sir.
I like to read and see you every post.
great to share.
Beautiful post