Not the LEAST bit hypocritical.
Bottom line first.
To hell with morals
Glad I switched back to Firefox and sometimes Brave browser. I only use Chrome to interact with my Ledger Nano S.
I use Opera..
how's brave and the ledger nano working out for you?
Brave is alright still waiting for them to fix a couple minor issues. One being that it never remembers when I put a website on "night mode". Also waiting for them to implement being able to get paid in BAT if I turn off ad blocking.
As far as the Ledger goes I like being able to store my crypto on a hardwallet. I haven't had any issues with it though I know a couple people who have had withdraw transactions take longer than they should. I suspect that's a Bitcoin network issue though.
I've got a ledger but it's still in the box. I'm dreading the learning curve.
It's really not too hard. You have to download an app in Chrome browser then plug it in and run the app. From there it walks you through the set up process. Just make sure you write down the randomly generated recovery phrase in case the ledger is lost or damaged. Also would recommend storing the private keys somewhere safe just in case.
someday when I'm feeling adventurous I'll have to do that.
Google and Boobtube are owned by the same corp. Of course they'll protect it from Adblockers.
I use ABP and it works fine on Chrome... I never get ads on ScrewTube!
I've used it before too...problem is it breaks some of my other stuff.
The only problem I've had is it won't let some stuff through (cookies)
Now a days digital painting become an essential part presentation and creative work. This type of art work is very difficult.
I use the YouTube, but there are too many rules and some are idiotic.
Once I recorded a story to my daughter and some woman who advertises nail polishers tried to claim my video ... which was not even public. Video ended up in a limbo for weeks before the Team released it back again. How that can be fair? Plus, it is beyond any fairness to block advertising on some videos, and keep revenue on the leisure and entertainment topics. Blunt example, I made a tutorial how to use an application. That is a useful thing. Especially because there are so many apps out there and some are a bit complicated. No, I got a notification telling me that my video is not suitable to the audience. How the hell they can know under the minute if my video is suitable or useful for other people? Completely unfair. I change the title a little bit and a few tags- everything is accepted. How...