I UNFollowed

in #discussion7 years ago

a Steemer today

couldn't take his whining and negativism any longer.
He and I had both joined Steemit in August of 2016
Right now he has 'about' 198 SteemPower and 'about' 200 followers.
I have just a tiny bit more than that.

He made a post about how unfair Steemit was right now.
How the poor minnows just couldn't make it today.
(he objected to the use of fishnames...it is SO speciest)

I attempted to reason with him.
I showed him by example that today was the BEST day to be on Steemit.
I explained that anyone who was willing to work could achieve anything that they wanted to.

Didn't work.

So...I Unfollowed him.
Who needs an anchor weighting you down,
when you're attempting to swim?

Can't understand it..
Steemit is a life changer.
All it takes is a little bit of effort to understand how it works.
Innovate, adapt and Overcome
not a new thing.
Think of it as
Evolution in Action
The strong survive.
The cowards never left.
The weak die along the way

so it is.
So it shall always be.


After a month and closing in on 300 followers it seems pretty clear that there is a direct correlation between the amount of effort you put in and your attitude and the results you get. Wow, almost like life.

I can agree with you, both of you and the guy you unfollowed, just as mister Ford said :) I think it is both true that it is possible to succeed of to fail on Steem(it) just as many TA say that the price it is very likely to go up or down, but that is another topic.

I am here from October, but I had a very slow start at the beginning, now I am more active. I succeeded to raise a little over 400 SP and I keep going for 500 as a short term goal.

But I have achieved more than that!

I learned and understood how Steem works, what is the difference between Steem and Steemit, how blockchain works (okay, here I have more to learn because there are a lot of different implementations for blockchains) and I have adopted a mentality of free market, lack of middle man and immutability that this technology offers to people, and I am willing to learn more.

I guess these are the true and real achievements of being here, being a part of the change.

Have you thought that your friend is just trying to raise upvotes from the compassion of others?

No shame in unfollowing. It is your feed. Your votes. Your time. Your well-being.

Realities of life are just so unfair...😂

Some people dwell in negativity and will never see or even look for the silver lining that exists in every cloud. Let them go. Let them go. Let them go.

I joined in August 2017, exactly one year later, I have 499 followers and 255 SP, although thanks to @dmwh I have 297 SP more delegates from a week ago. I'm not bragging, because I do not consider myself a success figure in Steemit, I'm still a Plankton according to Busy, but I'm pretty sure, and I could bet it, that success not only in Steemit but anywhere is due to hard work, not give up, because despite all the adverse conditions that someone may have there is always an opportunity to arise, you can stay crying about the world, the system or Steemit is unfair, I know several of them, but that means you're not what strong enough to overcome the first obstacle.

I believe that my numbers here are low to be 7 months on the platform, and I am aware that I have been able to make them grow faster if I try harder, but I am also aware that just as my growth has been due to my will, my lack of growth has been due to my unwillingness to grow faster, I do not think Steemit has pushed me down at some point.

hint: make a LOT of post.
If you have a long one break it up into several pieces.
Same time spent...more exposure.

it's physics..a LOT of small pieces have more surface area (exposure) than one big one.

I should have brought this up when I was drink-blogging last night.

Spheres are great for ice cubes.

Tetrahedrons are better on Steemit. Biggest surface area to volume ratio of any platonic solid.

I guess that means it's better if you're not well rounded!

Good advise.
I like posting, however my followers are going to find me inconsistent.
Got a two week hitch coming up, then ? I never know where or what I'll be doing next.

I've been thinking about that, although what I usually do is comment a lot, it's also a way to publish, but much faster.

check this guy out
he joined 132 days ago - has 2176 follower- made 4421 posts and is following 6 people
his wallet shows.
936.477 STEEM
(+11,158.225 STEEM)
and get this
$869.340 SBD

total value of his account
in a little over three months..

yeah...it's easier now...and anyone can do it.

Yes I know who he is, I've seen several of his post. There are many examples of people who have grown very fast, even in a month, and being anywhere in the world, there is really no excuse, Steemit is quite similar to real life, the difference is that it is easier to progress and earn enough money here, it's a pretty good opportunity, but you can lose it if you're just complaining about everything.

Some people see i m p o s s i b l e , some do not.
Think you can,or think you can not either way you are likely to be right.
I think I can figure it out... may take years,but already made more here in 9 months than 15?yrs on facetrolled...

henry ford said that.
what did HE know?
dead white man
the cause of all the evil in the world today


yes you are right. I myself started in October 2017 and it was very difficult in start but thing is you need to be consistent and hardworking. You will achieve a level one day.
steemit is a great platform I enjoyed my life here I belong to middle class family I did earning on which my father and mother were very happy.
few friends of mine started with me but they left.
They did lot of complaints too but I also couldn't do anything.
Many are still working and are happy. It depends on person to person.
you did great @everittdmickey

Right now he has 'about' 198 SteemPower and 'about' 200 followers.
I have just a tiny bit more than that.

tee hee!!

I am sure you don't feel bad, but just in case... don't you are a decent man and show your kindness and patients enough for me to have seen it a few times. I almost never stop in at Steemit very long and you are one of the few people I read when I do. You are good to go, there is no reason to tolerate something that might drag you down.

thank you very much.


If some one makes spite of u it means
1.He is afraid of u
2.He spite himself
3.He wants to b like u
Avoid this type of mindset ppl
"To fly like EAGLE u have to avoid swimming with DUCKS"
u doing great work sir.. Also ur good Author..

I like that..."fly like an eagle...avoid the ducks"
I might steal it and use it in a book some day"
thank you for the kind words.

There is enough negativity in the world without having it thrown at you in your feed every day.

To each his own. Guess he has to learn eh

Oh, hell: if he wants more STEEM, he's free to buy some at an exchange. That's precisely what I did.

And doing so did involve a flour-and-ramen-type diet. I didn't mind scrimping.

Thanks @everittdmickey. Although I might not totally agree with your views on the World, I appreciate your insight into things like this !!!

All it takes is a little bit of effort to understand how it works.
then Innovate, adapt and Overcome

One of the more profound things I have seen here a Steemit in my short time. Thank you, sir.

You will only get out what you put into it.