Meet the New Boss

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

Just like the Old Boss

  • Upon assuming the presidency, Guaidó made his priority requesting international humanitarian aid

seems reasonable. The world had been offering help.

  • Maduro had for years rejected, claiming that the United States and other Western powers would sneak soldiers onto aid convoys.

The New Boss has a plan other than just relying on international welfare.

  • The plan consists of three key elements: social renewal, economic renewal, and control of petroleum supplies.

Chavez didn't try ANYTHING like that at ALL! This is a complete reversal of earlier policies.

Isn't it?

  • First, the government would create 11 social programs, all part of a larger social security plan, that would help Venezuelans back on their feet.

EXCELLENT idea. It's likely to only cost a few hundred billion..pocket change. They can tax the rich at 99.999% rather than the extremely low rate they had until now only 34% Income Tax and 90% VAT. That should cover it easily.

Except that.

  • Venezuela’s economy is arguably the world’s worst, currently home to the world’s highest inflation rate (1.7 million percent) and plagued by outstanding debts to rogue nations like China and Russia

Never mind that.

  • The economic plan would consist of government subsidies to “every family that needs them,” as well as heavy investment in government education and health care.

There's no reason that won't work is there? With all that money from the news taxes it should be easy.

  • The petroleum plan saw Guaidó’s government vow to return Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), the state-run oil company, to pre-socialist production levels.

That might work...privatize it. Give it back to it's original owners.

  • The opposition team promised not to privatize the industry

Guess not.

  • but to return it to the hands of capable oil experts who can adequately find and process the crude oil

How's that worked out before?

  • Under dictator Hugo Chávez, PDVSA’s management was largely expelled and replaced by Chávez’s socialist cronies, who had minimal experience in the oil industry. Maduro continued the policy, leaving the nation with the world’s largest known oil reserves forced to import oil to survive.

Easy peasy..find some competent government workers who have experience in the oil industry who will work for free. Should be easy.

When socialism doesn't work, it never has, the problem is not too MUCH Socialism but to little.

double down.


Under Trump some government workers have worked for free and it wasn’t the undoc’d ones and it wasn’t the end of the world either.

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Just to be clear, nobody worked for free. They worked and didn't get paid until the payroll system (aka Govt.) was back up a running. This is a common misconception pushed guessed it, the mainstream media wing of the DNC. Nobody worked for free. Not one person. In fact, the saddest part is that these are average to above average wage workers who couldn't make it one month without a paycheck. That should speak to a larger issue but as usual, people are told that they were working free rather than the truth: That they were working for a paycheck.

Well it was for free until payday and some won’t be completely compensated, while some might also have incurred lates fees and interests that also won’t be compensated if we want further clarity.
Even sadder is that Trump is willing to do it again.

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Word ;)

too bad they've gone back to work.
Now we have to pay them for doing nothing.

Well not actually nothing when you consider mistreating the tax paying public, ignoring outdated infrastructure and god knows what other shenanigans, like grifting while Presiding.

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Just like as many yacht builders in my area already know. Sometimes the work stops and you need to skate for a month, or a lot more, so prepare for the worst and hope for the best. These aren't highly paid men and women either. Bigger question is why do gov't employees (some of them) feel entitled to a job in the first place? So many across the nation are laid off, in the private sector, and find other work or save just in case. Gov't employees shouldn't be any different. Whether the rest of the gov't is operating or not.

why do you say 'some of them'? do you know of any government employees who do not feel entitled?

I'm trying not to be hyperbolic. The handful of harpies the screech in protest in DC does not equal ALL. Just like all the other screeching groups of harpies, that represent a small fraction of the public. ;)

yup...rumor has it that there ARE some federal employees that actually work.
I mean..there are SO many of them. Statistics would imply that it's possible?

you're amusing.
what other inane bubble brained ideas do you have?
I'm writing a book. I'll have the bad guys portray your thoughts.

That still sounds bad for me, I do not know exactly what happens there, but it seems to me that the new government has some very bad ideas.

ya think?
Ideas are fine..but what about the implementation?

I don't know, I suppose socialism just does not work.

Oh come ON!
Just because it's failed each and every time that it's been tried.
The right people haven't been in charge yet.