Michelle Obama Declares Herself

in #discussion7 years ago

America's 'Forever First Lady'...
A legend in her own mind.

What is it about these people? They can't let go. They lost.

It's embarrassing. To think that we had this level of mentality running the country for so many years. Trump definitely inherited a mess.

The 'other first lady' is still whining too
HILLARY: Being Capitalist Probably Hurt In Dem Primary...

The old harridan is delusional if she thinks anyone believed her when she claimed to be a capitalist. She's right about many (most) democrats being socialist though.


I Thank my God above every day that Hillary is not my President. The deep state is DEEP and evil and they will not stop. The war is already won and they lost. I believe prophecy is being fulfilled. JMHO.

The liberal privileged group think mindset. Glad the American people rejected Hillary

that's exactly what happened.
she was rejected.
the fact that Trump got elected was irrelevant.
SHE was rejected.
Attila the Hun could have won if he was running against her.
or Bart Simpson.

we pray for good. hopefully later will be better

i think she is way over herself, a bit too much ego. either way populist people are gonna be populist forever

She's in denial...or maybe bargaining?

or threatening?

Definitely trying to be ;)

Sorry, there was a misprint in your article ... don't you mean 'Michael' Obama, you wrote Michelle Obama.



What most politicians lack, and also the family of politicians, is humility and respect for others ...

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