
So you cherish the death and murder of millions of people?

Do you just consider anyone who is poor automatically stupid?

Dumb as a sack of shit on a sidewalk.

you cherish the death and murder of millions of people?
no..I don't support abortion like you do.

Do you just consider anyone who is poor automatically stupid?
absolutely not. Unlike you I was raised poor. I got my first job when I was ten...chopping cotton. From then on I always had a job.
I'm not a spoiled rich kid like you are.l

What is this "unlike you" garbage? You don't know anything about me lmfao.

First of all, how do you feel about the middle-east? You know that the GOP wants to genocide them all and are actively killing millions, right? That's a fact, so you do like genocide and murder if you vote republican.
50,000 people die every year in America because of lack of health care and insurance. That's 50,000 of our own people dying because of your stupid ass GOP votes. You're scum.

I was poor and still am poor and have been my entire life. Don't talk down to me you crazy genocidal fuck. You know nothing about me. Grow the fuck up and learn how to empathize with fellow humans. Class traitor scumbag.

do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
or do you even know who she is?
you're numbers are wrong.
what is your position on abortion?
it's impossible NOT to talk down to're a low life dhmikrat.
you could walk under a snake while wearing stilts.

I'm not a democrat, dumb fuck. More assumptions. I also don't like my mother, she was an abusive moron.

why do you toe the dhmikrat line?
oh're a useful idiot for them.

I don't toe the dem line, I hate them with a passion. I only care about facts and logic, clearly something you are entirely ignorant of.

you admit to being poor?
I was poor...but i fixed it.
what about you glory in being on welfare?

"admit to being poor"???? What? What's there to """admit""" to?

sorry. I used big words.
I'll have to remember to use simple language.

Admit is a big word? What? Are you really going to tell me "admit" is a big word? What the fuck are you smoking dude?

the GOP wants to genocide them all and are actively killing millions

false and pretty silly, why do you believe that? it's something you could easily look up for yourself and find out that it is untrue.

George W. Bush was only 10~ years ago, dude. You can't hide facts.

George W. Bush was only 10~ years ago, dude. Like Nancy Pelosi have you been confusing Donald Trump with George Bush?

????????????????????? Syria was a few months ago ??????????????????????

by the way...I checked out your blog page.
how icky.
white letters on pastel green?
almost unreadable.
but..since you advocate social justice..there's not much sense in even trying.

What the fuck are you talking about dude, do you not use dark mode? No wonder you're so blind.

hell NO I don't use dark mode.

Which of Obama's wars are you referring to?

All of them, he's a scum bag.