sure you have bunch of other stuff, but you also need it all, because you are quite fragile.
with so much enemies around the world, its easy to do just anything to USA and stage it too look like NKs did it... Or russians did it. Iranians did it. or DAESH or whoever... Hell dont even need to stage it, media will stage it anyway. they would jump of joy.
If i blow up your town today, your media would say it was Iran prolly ^
sure. but where are the cities they vaporised so far?
he cant vaporise even rocket hes trying to fire desperately.
he who?
but yeah...we can.
the norks have two or three rockets (if they have that many)
we have a bunchaton of other stuff.
sure you have bunch of other stuff, but you also need it all, because you are quite fragile.
with so much enemies around the world, its easy to do just anything to USA and stage it too look like NKs did it... Or russians did it. Iranians did it. or DAESH or whoever... Hell dont even need to stage it, media will stage it anyway. they would jump of joy.
If i blow up your town today, your media would say it was Iran prolly ^
NK uses underground testing. It has contaminated the earth and caused some issues with the chinese also.