
That would depend on a mass of factors...

nope..just one factor.
Water weighs about sixty pounds per cubic foot.
that means a flatboat that's six foot by ten foot by a foot (sixty cubic foot) deep displaces
3600 lbs....damn near two tons.
you can put damn near two tons onit and it'd float.
To hold a van (or almost any'd have to be wider and longer than it wouldn't need to be as deep.
(check my math...math is hard..and I did it in my haid...I probably made a mistake)

Remember that the ocean isn't flat. You want significant freeboard (height above the mean water level to the gunnels) to safely ride over waves...

Unless you make... a Submarine!!!


like this?

The typical owner would handle a submersible living space bubble habitat (i avoid the word submarine due to the misleading coffin perception) as a simple yacht that is in almost all of its aspects a yacht, just absolute storm safe, seasickness free, burglar safe, and maintenance cost free.

Sign me up - but paint mine yellow!

LOL yep!

Hmmm.. I coulda sworn that was Eric Clapton in a fake mustache at 1:28...