
Hahahahahaha. It’s funny. But it’s true so now I’m sad.

That's the theme of your next fictionized story....wait or would it be a true detective....mystery...Mr Mickey?I can't believe you are not offended! And I'm offended by your intelligence to write such a thing! How could you, @everittdmickey even write such a thing to spurn on real thinking! That is inappropriate thinking ..oh I see he hasn't been lobotomized yet! Get him!.....

you're just gonna have to weight your turn
I've got enough to be offended about today.
tomorrow...I'll be offended by what you said tommorow.
or maybe the next day.
(I have a backlog)

You sense of humor keeps me writing! Stop it I'm offended! have me smiling!

offensive smiling?
is that legal?