Is this the most stupid headline EVER?
- Yes, astronomers suggest that it's very likely that a "dark matter hurricane" will slam into the Earth as it speeds through the Milky Way -- but it shouldn't cause any damage.
in fact it would be undetected of they are correct about what the as yet UNdetected, hypothetical dark matter is.
MACHOs are dead. WIMPs are a no-show.
Scary headlines...oh my. No substance or facts behind them.
But if it doesn't bleed it doesn't lede. The enemy of the people, even the technical press do their best to stress out the american people.
Stress is bad for our health...and the news media piles it on.
Lately the whole dark matter theory is falling apart.
@jang keeps pretty good track of that on his daily updates.
I'm unconvinced about many of the 'theories' of modern day cosmology and astronomy.
Which is potentially more damaging, a dark matter hurricane, or a crossfire hurricane?
the article stated that there would be no danger from a darkmatter hurricane.
what do you mean by 'cross-fire" hurricane.
Neither one seems very credible since a hurricane is a meterlogical storm, generated over warm ocean water.
"crossfire hurricane " was FBI code name for original Trump/Russia probe. Also not weather related.
Neither are fusion GPS or Uranium One....
The unswer is going in a circle 😶. There are already so many damages in the world. Nobody saw anything but everybody knows everything , 🤐. Lol
The world is doing just fine. It's been here since long before you were born and will be hre long after you die.