The Cost of a Computer the Year You Were Born

in #discussion7 years ago

Oddly enough they don't list my birthday

but...for a mere one hundred thousand dollars, more or less, when I was twenty one years old I could have purchased a computer that had 1/100,000 (or less) power than the computer I purchased yesterday for 1/100,000 the price.

Odd that?

and 1951

  • Yearly Inflation Rate USA 7.88%
    Average Cost of new house - $9.000.00 -
    Average wages per year - $3,510.00 -
    Cost of a gallon of Gas - 19 cents -
    Average Cost of a new car - $1,500.00 -
    Loaf of Bread - 16 cents -
    LB of Hamburger Meat - 50 cents -
    Bacon per LB - 52 cents -
    Eggs per dozen - 24 cents -
    Water Jacket Heater ( Asbestos ) - $4.59 -
    Baby Diapers ( Cotton ) - From $2.79 -
    Children's Tricycle - From $14.00 -

It's a lot more expensive now isn't it?
or is it?

is stuff getting more expensive?
or is the money becoming worthless?

we spend less of our disposable income for food than at any time in history.

Something to think about?


[Taken from This chart shows the insanity of Venezuela's hyperinflation]

This is not a chart of bitcoin, this is the chart of how worthless money has become here (aka inflation). GL @everittdmickey, I hope you never have to live through this.

PD: The funny thing is that there are other places that are even more crazy and insane.

good old socialism huh?
we dodged the bullet this time.
if the Hildebeast had been elected that's likely to have happened here soon.

good old socialism huh?

I don't know if has anything to do with what people call "socialism", at the the bottom, is just crappy people doing a crappy job (or a rather good job) of driving a country into the abyss, while the blame "America", "Capitalism" and "imperialism" because that's what "socialism" do, they blame everyone else.

Insert some corruption, drugs and oil, and you got one of the riches country of Latin america into one the worse and poorest country of all the continent.

If anything, I hope this can show other countries about how good "socialism" is for your country economy after it is implemented successfully.

if the Hildebeast had been elected that's likely to have happened here soon.

Yeah, I think the messaged is working pretty well, nothing as a good example after all.

the question of all times, where the dollar goes

I think the money is becoming worthless

you might be onto something there!

What those last two charts make me think about was what fuck ups Obama and Bush were. The housing chart if extended to today has rebounded and in some markets surpassed the housing market crash lows.

notice when the dollar began to devalue.
methinks bush...and obama(thought he rilly rilly TRIED to destroy america) don't deserve all the credit.

to be honest I don't know how much influence either of them had on mortgage backed securities getting out of hand.

getting out of hand?
or being discovered?

getting out of hand, it's not a terrible idea in theory but they were making a lot of bad paper. Bundling a bunch of shitty loans does not make them a good loan.

bundling ANY loans doesn't seem particularly ethical or moral to me.
SUDDENLY...presto chango....a hundred (thousand...million..whatever) subprime, high risk, low value loans can go from low value to HIGH value...just because they were 'bundled'

Makes perfect sense to me (not)

bingo, and that was just one of the problems, often the loans were shittier than they were rated at because of all the no documentation loans and with people speculating and paying more for things than they were worth it was a perfect storm, we have a ways to go to get back there. Housing is going back up because people are getting jobs and getting raises, that's the way to do it.

Yeh I see this economy crashing hard in my lifetime.... great post. A lot of "food for thought" - thanks.

you're welcome
I'm a bit more optimistic.
I see crypto as the 'airbags' that will protect us when the economy crashes.
If they are allowed to.

I truly hope so

your post @everittdmickey is very good and very useful for visitors and readers ... continue to work

Great publication, inflation has generated much controversy in each country and what I can read from its publication is that it spends less on food than at another time.

Funny how computers are the exception to a very obvious trend. If there's any silver lining to the housing bust, it's houses becoming more affordable. Believe it or not, I saw stories a/o '2011 and '12 about guys with regular jobs who were buying houses with nothing more than their own income. A guy could swing a cheap house, even if a fixer-upper, on a $15 an hour full-time job.

Of course, the trick was finding and keeping a full-time job....

I feel like all consumer goods are cheaper now.


At Walmart you can buy a made in America printed T-shirt for less than $5. Clothes, tools, they all seem a lot cheaper.

Right, I forgot about that. Those drops have been ascribed to the "China price."

And now that you mention it, my dad bought tomato juice on sale for C$0.99 a can for more than twenty years.

Worthless... what do you expect from a currency backed by air??? Wait- sorry, a government nobody trusts!!!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment