That Led to Mass Murder
The Air Force screwed up about the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church murderer.
The Army screwed up about Gabby Gifford’s shooter.
The Douglas High School screwed up about the murderous little puke who gunned down a couple of dozen people.
The Washington Navy Yard screwed up about their killer who claimed that he heard voices in his head.
The University of Colorado psychiatrist who examined Aurora theater killer screwed up. He didn’t tell authorities.
The Columbine killers successfully conned their case worker.
How much longer can this continue?
It's so disheartening. I wonder how much longer it will continue too
They claim to be experts in crime fighting and criminal investigation. The rate themselves the best in the world but still manage to screw up. How? How does these things be?
oh I'm sure it's just an accident.
an oversite.
it could happen to anyone.
Well, but when it becomes recurrent?.....
good post friends
There are many murders committed with knifes and baseball bats and they, correctly, blame the person and not the weapon for the crimes. With guns there's a double standard.
Cool post.
Nobody is perfect as the saying goes. But if its too many mistakes?I dont know what its called.
Failure of intelligence?maybe? Or intentional?
depends how long it takes to clean house at the FBI. There will always be those who fall through the cracks, there are a lot of crazy people and a lot of cracks. What this highlights is the folly of having a silly feel good background check system, it provides a false sense of security at best.
@everittdmickey As I told you already on another post "This is shit" They are just lying.
There were many people involved in all this. And It will happen again and again until we clean house at the FBI