No Wonder Americans Don't Trust The Media
Well Duh.
Anyone who's been paying attention for like, oh I dunno, their whole life, knows that the enemedia lies.
They don't publish facts. They don't reveal the truth. They push the narrative. Everything they say, everything they do, follows the script that their masters wrote for them.
So why act surprised?
The far left have gone insane
See Pedophrasty & Fake NewsThat's right. @everittdmickey
I know when I saw that cover I rolled my eyes and said something like OH BROTHER!
They've pretty much forfeited their claim to be a NEWS magazine.
They're obviously propaganda for the democratic party.
The story behind that little girl makes this picture even more deceiving. She is from Central America and her mother took her from her father and abandoned three other children in the process.
Trump didn't break that family up - they broke themselves up...
If you've read the whole story then you know that she's NOT poor.
What a rhetorical question.
I'm not surprised.
Weren't they the ones who tried to make OJ look blacker?
I don't know.
yup, that was them!

You're right sir.