A stunning new climate study says he’s wrong
If it's Hot it's climate change. If it's cold it's just weather.
Pretty scientific isn't it?
It's all just models. Computer models. GIGO...garbage in. Garbage out.
Temperature was warmer 1,100 years ago than it is today
hmm...CO2 increase is an effect...not the cause. The lag time is about (wait for it) a thousand years.
Alberta – Summer snowfall this weekend could break records
nothing to see here...just weather.
Ice forces cruise ship cancellations
how is that possible? The arctic is ice free! Computer models say it is!
Elephants & giraffes caught in unusual snowfall in South Africa
Greenland ice 40 percent above average
We must fight CO2 by reversing prosperity
sounds like a great plan. Send all you ill gotten climate change money to ME! I'll put it to good use.
I was wondering how they were going to spin it, at first I thought they were going to say Trump was racist for doing such a good job responding to this storm but I was selling them short. They aren't blaming Trump for the response for the storm, they would have to wait for that, they are blaming Trump for causing the storm!
Storms used to be called "acts of God" but they don't believe in God so they blame Trump!
Storms used to be called "acts of God" but they don't believe in God so they blame Trump!
Trump...the all powerful weather diety!
Trump did it! I saw it with my own eyes. I have a Q clearance so you know it is true. I snapped this one while he wasn't looking to prove it.