And why?

notice the disparity in numbers?
The other day I ran an experiment

Twenty some people commented and engaged in the discussion.
I realize that some of the real people who follow me are busy people..they live in other time zones and might have missed it...SO...I used a very sophisticated mathmatical analysis to determine how many real followers I have.
In other words I took a wild guess.
I estimate that I have Forty some odd REAL followers.
The other 4435 are either

or 'bots

I hate bots

That said...
I want to take the opportunity to thank every one of my followers who are REAL PEOPLE

Without you I'd just be treading water, talking to my self and getting nowhere, so thanks for your participation.
You might notice that there is a great disparity between those who follow me...and those that I follow?
ATt the moment I'm following 128 people and I've chosen them with care.
A few...quite a few actually... are 'top ranking' people who I just read what they post.
People like
Ned, the . CEO of Steemit.
steemitblog who regularly issues 'report' from the 'devs'
dragosroua whom I've assigned my witness proxy too.
blocktrades who is not even a single person, I don't think, rather it's a blog run by an exchange that I use several times a day. Any news that affects their operations, and me, is posted there.
And quite a few others of similar nature.
Smart guys...people who post IMPORTANT stuff. A lot of which (most of it) is over my head. In other words I have no clue what they are talking about, but I'm learning. I read what they write and pick up a little bit here...a little bit there...a learn a lot from those guys, but I don't interact with them much.
The others are folks who I follow I DO interact with a lot. I engage with them in debate, battles of wit, and all around enjoyable conversation. I spend MOST of my time converseing with those guys...except when I'm writing post of my own. Sometimes I do both at the same time.
I'll tell you right now who I do NOT follow.
I don't follow 'bots.

New To Steemit? Follow Begging Will DESTROY You: DO - NOT - DO - IT! Here's Why...
I'm Sick of Spamming Steemit Beggars
and further more
"Hi, This Is A Very Useless Comment..."
Your post is very good, wow, so great.
Did I tell you how awesome your post is and how great of an author you are? Very good my friend.
You are a great author. Your posts always fascinated me. Please like me back
Nope...doesn't cut the mustard. I mute them so fast I almost sprain my I do all bots.
I follow real people who post about real stuff
(sorry about that flat-earthers, chemtrails and many other conspiracy nuts)
Many times I follow someone for a while..then decide that I'm underwhelmed and unfollow him.
Some times I'm SO not impressed that I mute them. Sometimes I re-follow or un-mute later. It all depends.
Perhaps I could compare my list of people that I follow to a garden. I'm picky about what I select for my garden. If a particular plant doesn't grow right...out it comes. It might be the wrong time of year...I might have had too much too drink (ooops...forget I said that)...I may be tired, short on sleep and grumpy....or for any other reason...who knows?
But.....that's how I do it.
How about you?
I give you upvote but my power low no effect your post my upvote. Sorry friend
thank you
it's the thought that counts.
but you are mistaken.
every vote counts...sometimes it's just not very visible.
Sorry friend but now i will give you upvote and Resteem your post.
I recently unfollowed a bunch of people. I was doing the whole noob following everyone who told me they followed me thing at first... I love art, and writing, and music and nature and learning about homesteading and living off grid and slowly I'm gaining more of an appreciation for photography by seeing all the great photographers on here. As time goes I'll curate my following list even more I'm sure.
I did the same thing when I started. At one time I was following about 900 accounts

some changes were made.
I did a little bit of pruning...clearing out the deadwood.
That;s about how my facebook graph would look lol
Your approach to steemit is a whole new world that everyone can learn from. We should all follow people who post reasonable stuff and help build our intellect and character and make us learn new things and become better people. Following bots is a no no for me. Like how can a man follow a robot, isnt it supposed to be the other way round?
I can understand what you mean. I have over 300 followers and I can tell you that probably only 10 of them interact with me. Others who upvote my post probably came across it by chance because it was resteemed.
I am grateful for the few who actually read through.
The ones you follow would be really special. I like your way of pick and chose. It doesn't make your feed all flooded with things which you don't enjoy.
Being a new joiner I got carried away following many people and now my feeds are all flooded with Color contest, Black and White contest, pictures of flowers and what not.
I will have to start un-following now.
that's what I did.
I'm not much into contests...some folks like them.
Not me.
It's surprising how many commenters are doing exactly what you say that you hate!
I've also started to prune the people I follow. Due to plankton anxiety disorder, I followed as many people as I could in the beginning of my Steemit journey. I came to realise that most of them were dead accounts. Many of them also created content that I could not relate to and just jammed up my Feed.
I guess this is part of the housekeeping that we need to do.
Sometimes you just gotta thin the herd, I made some bad follows myself and I am slowly weeding them out. I too, hate spammy comments, especially when all they do is post a link to their article in a comment - that's just plain rude and unacceptable!
Hey I see you follow me.
I don't post anything thought, I'm way to busy with renovating
I do a lot of the things like you do, like, reading post I don't understand fully or totally. :) I do "follow" a lot more people thought, but the cleaning up will have to wait.
Well keep on steemin, I might not read everything, but I do read a lot of what you write.
It's even funny when i realize how many people do i actually interact with lol
But sometimes I think people are closed to the possibility of adding new ones to their circle, just like real life, not only in here. But what if we compare it to the number of followers and interactions on instagram for example? People tend to "change" their lives there, they are even shallow while pretending to have a perfect life..
I think about this a lot lol, how do social media manages us and how we use them according to "what" exactly.
Young people tend to even abuse of social medias, i guess that with aging comes wisdom, cheers.
monkeysphere..dunbar's number.
LOL Monkeysphere, i couldn't say it better.
See you around friend.
I love flat earth, it is wonderful piece of fiction FOR REAL.
I just do not know... who I follow, or is it really relevant, as I am using the lists to organize where am I going ( and why).
For the last week maybe I started following again, but I don't even use my feed to find topics.
I know that I can find here something I can read and comment on, the trouble is that sometimes I have a really good content and a writer is awesome, but my brain is dead and I have no clue what to say....
better to say nothing and just vote rather than say something inane and stupid. If you say something stoopid the author might mistake you for a 'bot...and mute you.
Well, not.... that.
I was muted a few times, but I have no idea why.
I had one Japanese author ( I think he was writing in some exotic language an I believe it was a Japanese), so it can be because he wasn't using English and he wanted maybe to clean his feed, to make it more comfortable.
I was downvoted for consorting a person with a considerate amount of care and respect, because she thought I am not showing an immense amount of 'reaction' because I clearly didn't understand what is that huge problem about.
From where can I even start to analyse that? How?
The funniest thing? I was discussing safety with steemflagaward or reward, something like that... when that happen. Like, we were debating about these super-tech algorithms that could make Steemit safer place, w/o plagiarism, that kind of thing... and on another side I was getting whooped... ( LOL).
I discussed that what happened with Patrice from Steemit Cleansing Service .... apparently nothing happened to me, but it was a near out of the body experience.
Some people are so confusing, but I believe it is my mistake to pick the wrong company.
BAD company
I follow people who post things I find interesting and who have engaged audiences, like @everittdmickey
... I am not much of a follower. ...not much of a leader either....kinda lost here in this tech jungle,they seam to speak in some strange code...
I follow people who interact w/me,or that I find interesting,and some of the people who I interact w/ in PALnet Discord(MSP). I also have a few I follow because they were recommended.
I really do not pay to much attention to the follower count anymore,I think half my followers are dead,and an other 2/3's never comment or upvote,interact. I Iooked the other day and was surprised at some of the people who do follow me.
I think it would be nice if there was some way to remove dead if you blocked/muted them it removed them from the follower count..
Enjoy your day anyway you choose to.
Mr. @everittdmickey, the truth is very important analysis or reflection that you do as a broad connoisseur of the platform; because in the short time I've been in Steemit and still with a low score reputation, I've noticed that there are upvotes that arrive instantly when uploading a post and this is not logical, in my particular case it is little, but it really does not satisfy know that they upvote your post without really having read and internalized the information; That's why I understand your analysis perfectly. Over time, I'm sure I should be doing some similar analysis. Greetings.
upvotes that arrive instantly when uploading a post
OK, it's clear
I don't even think about it.
I've slowly grown the list of people I follow. Have to think very carefully about who you follow. I have a ton of interests and it could lead to a pretty full feed. You end up missing a lot of good posts.
I really want to reply something cheeky but people around here can’t take a joke, might get myself flagged!
Alright today I try finish your first book, as you said some of us have busy lives!
I found this to be true as well, although I am much smaller than you I found that I had a lot of followers but only a few that actually interacted with me on my posts. I'll say this though I make sure to return the favor, so to speak, and interact with them on their posts because if they took the time to do that for me then I will do that for them!
every time you 'interact' gain just a tiny bit of steem...sometimes more than just a little.
Exactly! Thanks!
It actually feels good when you check the feed page, checking all following peopls's see how they're improving their writing skills and posted contests...
I upvoted altho have no power
thank you@everittdmickey
I have a table of all the Authors that I have read a story or two from. Because I have become a lot more active in a couple of projects, and a contest, I have had to cut back my reading to four Authors/stories a day, and I still fall behind on one or two of them sometimes. So 99% of the Authors I follow are not on my Follow list.
I need to make another table for the newbie, infowar, and USA team, members that I am working with. I do not often use my "feed", once may twice a day, and that is to see if there is anything that I need to do. I don't like to need to do anything, so I only check once maybe twice a day. And well even though I only follow a small number, Most of my interactions are with people not on my follow list. I'm not sure why that is, but it is what it is.
I don't like to need to do anything
odd that you mention it.
I have several recurring posts that I feel the NEED to do every day,
I'm beginning to not like that.
It's not like any of us are going to die if you don't make a post, I mean I might be heartbroken if I don't get to see what happens to shelby and naomi, but I guess I could just buy them on amazon, but then I would be done reading them in a day, maybe 2 at most, and not get to really play speculation game. But I would survive. There is need, and then there is NEED, it is when the pleasure is gone, then the needs start to question. Take a couple days off from the nagging needs, if they really needed to be done then the want will come running back with those needs.
but...but...think of the CHILDREN!
I take your point.
As far as Amazon. I played that game and lost.
Steemit is SO much easier and I make SO much more MONEY.
Third parties, the only person that ever makes money in a trio system is the middle man. No steemit middle man, yet.
so it has always been until now.
who get's rich off of the inventions and labors of various people?
those that do the work?
ya think?
my experience in trucking has caused me to despise brokers..
perhaps PTP transactions can eliminate the middle man.
I'm a new follower (after your experiment a few days ago). Whether I'm human or not would depend on which group of people you ask. I can't relate to most of the general public I meet or the "humans" I see on TV.
I seen a few of your sarcastic comments on others political posts and thought, I can relate to this guy. I typically repress my sarcasm because you can't make most people think, they just "feel" insulted.
I'm not sure I have the time to follow you after I read a few of your posts. You introduce me to the Fourier transform equation (yes, fairly Awesome) and the Fermi Paradox. I can't not read the links.
I'm obviously not as well read or intelligent as you, but isn't that the best reason to follow someone.
Please don't build your new wall so secure a passer by can't peek in and be introduced to your thoughts and ideas. An occasional bot can be ignored.
P.S. Not looking for you to follow back. I'm not an Author. More of a voyeur and curious cat.
check your pulse..
if you got one your a human. least you're not a bot.
I'm totally honored by your follow! 🐱Thank You @everittdmickey!
Thinking of cleaning up my ''garden'' also and
planting some new steem seeds. I'm following 119
and there are 185 following me, I like to use 👓
Click the followers button on the left and it shows
Ghost 👻 Followers
Yikes it's like the walking dead over at my place with
143 ghosts, ectoplasma fest lmao.
30 are dead, not active in over a month.
RIP rest in pixels.
Have a good evening and thanks again for all the
cool things you post and most of all for being real!👍
you're welcome.
I'm a real bastard from Down Under :-D
Really awesome discussion 👌👌👌
Noted. So you aren't concerned with the government's geoengineering and spraying aluminum, barium and strontium all over the place.