Wait a minute!
If the Dhmikrats paid for them,
wouldn't that make them DhmiBots?
The numbers don’t lie, keeping Trump out of office was a mass effort and he still won! 3 billion vs 500 million what a waist of money imo.
Give it up already and take your damb lumps.
Thank you for posting this. Evil does not play by rules. It didn't follow rules in 1930's Germany nor in Stalin's Russia or Mao's post WWII China. The Constitution, for at least the last 30 years, has been an obstacle to globalists.
Give a socialist other people's money - and watch them waste it.
They don't have a clue.
They think economic theory is the same as economic facts. (pesky facts)
Socialist need to come to terms with the fact they are a little bit stupid.
Why not enjoy watching Saturday night TV, and let the adults get on with running things?
If they did that, the world would be a better place, and they would have better TV's to watch, too!
Of course. The Democrat mantra is "Do as I say, not as I do."
Just like farts "Whoever smelt it! Dealt it!"
Ha, yes... anytime the crazies start accusing someone of something, it never fails that they are the guilty ones! Never fails with this bunch, they really must not be able to help themselves.
This is awesome man......keep it up...
As the video explains, this is bigger than democrats, other forces behind all this. Time to kick some assets, time for rule of law. The use of bots in general in social media needs additional measures to counter abuses like this. We have to face this technical challenge, a good start is raising awareness, thx for the video share.
Well done. Great Job. Keep it up.
Technology needs investment.
this is the awesome mane keep it up
When will Hillary apologize for letting Russian bots back Bernie?