
in #discussion7 years ago

Old News is New

In the 1970's Larry Niven was JUST ABOUT the only author writing Science Fiction. (everyone else was 'new wave'...SJW's by today's nomenclature). In his universe Larry had a device called a TASP. in which the pleasure center of the brain was wired. Hence the name wire head, who could stimulate his pleasure center at the mere flick of a switch.

It made all other forms of recreational drugs...obsolete.
Nothing else could touch it...and it was cheap to buy, install, and use.

Well TODAY...Science is imitating Science Fiction...

Brain implants to 'change moods controlled by AI' begin HUMAN TESTS

  • Devices plugged into people’s skulls are being developed by boffins funded by the US military’s research division DARPA.
    These implants will use electronic pulses to alter the chemicals in people’s brains in a process called “deep brain stimulation”.
    This will then change people’s moods and is believed to be able to treat mental illness and provide therapy.

What could possibly go wrong

Actually that's a bit pessimistic. Consider the present situation. Big Pharma, the DEA and the Cartels. Mass shooting by the insane?
It'd be hard to imagine how this device could make it WORSE...it'd be pretty easy to imagine how it could make it BETTER


ring world series and gil the arm hamilton were amazing books when i was young and to this day i still think about the wire heads having a tasp installed into the base of their head.
you dont get high and become addicted, you make the choice to become a wire head and after you have the tasp installed and take your first hit of electricty you are hooked for life.

As crazy as it sounds i can think of a couple people i know that would want the install even after reading all the issues with it.

it'd certainly solve a lot of problems wouldn't it?

it would but i think it would also create alot of new ones.
Just the idea of making that choice to begin with kinda freaks me out cause you have to be in a bad place to take that leap.
also in "the know universe" the puppeteers have a wireless tasp and its perfectly harmless when used on people that have no clue what happend, but it is a weapon at the same time. they use it to make people into their slaves by regulating the amount of joy someone can have. also some people going to public places in one of the books and just zaps random people. lol

I guess if you have given up on everything and want to kill yourself no better way to go then to spend eternity in bliss even if that eternity is only a month. lol

its the only reason i could see wanting a tasp installed, no worrie of messing up and having to live with no face or something.

what NEW problems could it create?

forget the'wireless' tasp for now...it's got a LOT of technical hurdles to overcome first.

all tech could be used for good or bad.

just randomly coming up with ideas on the spot..............

maybe a doctor perscribed low dosage implant insted of taking xanax. (one hit your hooked for life)
wireheads from next door breaking in and stealing power because they forgot to pay their electricty bill in an eletric haze. (you do not want to mess with a wirehead when they are under the tasp, second ring world book luis wu killed like 3 or 4 people at once and was smiling the whole time and then forgot about it till he turned off the tasp and looked around.)
just the loss of people we shouldnt lose that just had a bad week and insted of going on a drug bender and get over it a month later might take that wire install and once they do there is no sobering up and coming back from rock bottom.
blackmarket instalation, i mean its bound to happen anyway as new implantable tech comes out and the goverment tries to regulate it but someone with an unknown amount of training sticking stuff in peoples brain cant be a good thing.
the whole war that will come with people pushing for a probition of it, and as much as i dont like the idea of wire heads i hate the idea of someone trying to take away others choice on it. with probition comes blackmarkets and crime , the bigger the crime the more money it will cost and the more money the criminal market holds the more violence that happens. even if it is violence from the party that made it a crime trying to stop people doing what people do or if its the criminals doing it.
oh the whole broken window thing, got an area where the wire heads roam and nothing will get fixed or paid for, it would just get worse and worse till the area was rubble or they were moved out by force so the area could be cleaned up and fixed.
pluss im sure new problems would come up that we couldnt thing of in our dreams. lol
sorry that was so little in so much, it was fun trying to think of problems that could arise and i had to stop myself or i would have kept going.

yeah even in the books the wireless one was like something that was suposta be a myth and stuff because to advanced and stuff. it did exist and nexus had a wireless tasp implanted in his head, not to get him high but to use like a gun. he would tasp you and you would just go limp for a bit in bliss then depression and addiction would kick in and you would be his slave. lol

hell what if they started implanting into babies so when they grew up they would be obideiant robots insted of free willed people. dontdo what master says and you get no eletricity at the end of the day.

none of that is a NEW thing.
it all happens with drugs right now.
(more or less)

the question is what can it do that is unique? that doesn't already happen?

Note: you are ASSUMING it's instantly addictive.

true, im going off the lerry nevin books as i have nothing else to go off of with this. also in his books it does not make all other drugs obsolete, in fact there are more drugs then ever. the whole birthday party at the begining of the first ringworld book has a whole thing talking about the druggs, people not sleeping for days, ones with sides effects and ones without, and after you went to the sleepingplates and slept it off.

the deep brain stimulation is the same thing they used last year to implant and record memorys right? think it was on a rat or a mouse or something. otherwise i have no clue about the actual implimations in it only the fictional books. so when i was talking about instant addiction i was talking about the "tasp" in the fictional books it came from i wasent talking about the deep tissue stimulation stuff.

Still i say all tech can be used for good and bad and im sure it will create new problems we could never think of.

the question is what can it do that is unique? that doesn't already happen?

this wasent in the comment when i first replied.

IDk as its all spectualtion and that is a question you would need an answer from someone with actual knoldge of the workings of it and stuff. im just a dude that did alot of lerry nevin reading as a kid.

organic drugs - you choose the trip - electronic drugs wired to outside sources- someone else can choose your trip - Very dangerous - television is a massively watered down example of this..

I dunno if TV is all that watered down actually.
The more I think about this the more I like it.
Compared to NOW...I don't see any downside.

The absolute worst thing that it can do pales in comparison to what's going on NOW with drugs.
and it would eliminate the drug trade and everything that goes with it.
how is that a bad thing?

The drug trade and all it's problems, stops -with no government intervention. (think prohibition)
(big phrama is still a problem, but in the realm of illicit substances)

Other people in my head, and deciding where I go.....an orwellian wet dream..

not exactly.
you're conflating virtual/augmented reality (much more complex)
with pleasure stimulation. (think induced orgasm..of indefinite length)
the former is theoretical
the latter has been possible for fifty years.
(brain surgery is a bit of a deterrent..but it's possible)

Number of the Beast...


nope..different application
They got that 'number of the beast thing ALL wrong'
(math is hard)
it's NOT 666
it's sixth to the sixth power TO the sixth power.
6^6= 46656
46656^6 = 1.0314425e+28
read all about it here

Thanks for sharing important post

helpfull post

Science is awesome, with idea is nice

Daily Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.

This is where "The Matrix" plot begins lol... Yeah things could go wrong about it I guess

nope..the matrix is MUCH more complex.
wireheading is merely the stimulation of the brains' pleasure center>
it's NOT a new thing