According to the lore, your MBTI is something you were born with. It is less of a choice and more of a brain structure, something you respond with depending on the process of your mind. Everyone's MBTIs vary widely, and are all on the spectrums. No two MBTIs are the same, even if they were in the same category. For example, an INTP and another INTP may seem like replicants, but they're more different than alike. However, there's a particular pattern in the way each type of MBTI process the world around them.
Most people prefer judgers over perceivers, because they're seen as more reliable and conscientious. They often prefer to follow a strict structure, value persistent hard work and self-discipline. Whereas perceivers like to be more free-spirited and laid-back; they're the indulgents of life. Often the conscientious people would achieve higher; live happier and healthier overall. It makes little difference on the judging and perceiving, rather it is the approach to it.
Most intuitive have higher intelligence than sensors. They tend to see the bigger picture, and less likely to value the surface of things. For them, the internal value and beauty is most crucial. They are more abstract thinkers, and tend to be quite philosophical. They're also more open-minded towards new ideas than their sensing counterpart. They prefer to keep their options and thoughts open, towards new changes. The sensors prefer to live in the moment, see picture through their eyes, and see exterior things.
Thinkers are more rational, and less prone to mental illnesses. Not because they are emotionless people, but because they dislike holding onto emotions. They prefer to think it through, and rarely deal with them again. However, feelers are more emotional. It is harder for them to see things the way it is. They are more sensitive towards their surroundings, but at the same time feel the buoyance more. They are generally merrier and more depressed than the thinkers. They can enjoy their feeling, but also despise it.
The one in every MBTI which effects people's life accomplishments and health (overall), would be their turbulence vs assertiveness. People who are more turbulent, tend to be more vulnerable. They can self-conscious, neurotic and pessimistic to the surroundings, as well as more prone to mental disorders. They see pressure and challenges as more of a battle than a competition. Whereas assertives are stronger in their sense of self. They are more calm, even-tempered, persistent, and higher self-esteems.
Personally, I see every MBTI as remarkable and healthy. But I won't consider turbulence a healthy trait, no matter which type it is. It destroys people's self-esteem and opinionated nature, and makes them dependant and neurotic. We all know that negative emotions can stop you from reaching your full potential, that is more likely to happen if someone is a turbulent. Whereas assertives are calm in the typhoons, which gives them a better chance of succeeding.
I'm an INFP who used to be drawn to nihilism... then I started travelling.
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Hello, we are introducing the Hive/MBTI community.
I am personally inviting you to join our community, and maybe our small team of volunteer engagement minions.
Let me know anytime ;)