I think this analysis hinges on the fact that is Internet a utility or not ?
I think at this point in our lives it is a utility just like roads , what if each manufacturer needs to have a contract with road companies ? It will lead to only the big players able to afford such contracts and eventually leading to monopolies .
Monopolies do not incentivize innovation or competition.
The people would benefit if the utilities had to compete too. Monopolies only stand when they are far superior or they conspire with the government to put regulations in place to limit the entry of competition.
Could be but, where we are atm would never happened in a real "free market". What has been happening is that
That's why there will never be a real competition ... although sometimes looks like there is but it's more to keep up appearances.
Those who live in Europe will surely understand what is being talked about with this problem. I can not see webs about weapons here, for example, I have to use a VPN for that (my brother bought a new gun and wanted to show me what it was, no possible in Europe). Many tweets and videos on YouTube also are not possible to see ... as it has not happened in the USA, maybe you do not know what it is ... people there will start to complain when they get affected in some way as usual.
This new law want to do the Internet here more strict as it already is... is not about competition.
Tks for response.
Also keep in mind , internet was working for the little guys ( up-starts) till this point .Saying regulation is bad is meaningless without an actual critique of what's wrong with it , without regulations we get situations like this :
The previous regulation just classified it to be as utility and be treated as such and yes , all the utility companies (ISPs) were free to compete to provide better service.
Yes I know, we are here in Steemit ;)
I know we should regulate some stuffs but not everything ... is like the people who say that without government we will do not have streets or schools or something like that ... normally better when is private.
As I say before, the problem are that they are too many regulations who help to create monopolies and not real competition.
I think we are in the same line in some way .. where do you live? What country?( if is possible to know of course)
Possibly , but this particular one , removing net neutrality , is going to lead to monopolies.
Absolutely! :)
monopolies are impossible in a free market.
...a fundamental truth that the socialist brain cannot comprehend..
...a fundamental
Truth that the socialist brain
Cannot comprehend..
- lucylin
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