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RE: What do you peoples think about the SMT's?

in #discussion7 years ago

I'm running low on VP!!

I like the idea as well. I do see one gleaming caveat, hording. As I understand it, once the SMT is sold and utilized, it is a locked sum. Therefore, over time in efforts to capitalize off of gains, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that chunks will be hoarded instead of redistributed into the content or a very small numbers of members?

I could be missing something or absolutely wrong on this. Just putting it out there.


I'm not totally sure what you mean.. But how would that differ from what is already happening on steemit? Based on my understanding, they are sort of.. Allowing anyone to easily make their own coin like steem, so in which ways would those new coins be different from the steem one? To me it seems like mirrors within mirrors or micro/macro so to speak. The coins are essentially working the same way aren't they?

As far as I know, they are working in the same manner. Steemit being the blueprint. I'm ill informed on exactly how they keep the currency flowing back to the site instead of being hoarded, just like here.

It's not a big issue, but it could be one I imagine.