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RE: Is "Tribalism" Good, Bad or Indifferent? Is "Us vs. Them Our Strength or Our Downfall?

in #discussion7 years ago

Take a look at my last few days/week posts - all are rothchilds, soros, banking related.

Things like the "Occupy" movement-- however misguided they may be-- didn't arise out of "thin air;" they arose out of an underlying socio-economic issue.

...they arose out of the money supplied by the left, to create agitation...

George Soros Funds Occupy Wall Street
Radical anti-American billionaire George Soros is a major backer of a left-wing group that is funneling money to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The nonprofit organization at the receiving end of Soros’ largesse, Alliance for Global Justice, is managing donations benefiting the communists, socialists, anarchists...

(Things like the communist revolution movement-- however misguided they may be-- didn't arise out of "thin air;" they arose out of an underlying socio-economic issue).

.....they arose because western banks funded them to the tune of just under a billion dollars (today's money) of many. Very industrious this last week! lol.