You have to realize something.
The news media is no longer about informing the public.
And no, it's not about "indoctrinating" them either. I live in China and I see what THAT looks like, and it's a lot different from what goes on in the West.
No, the Western news media is something far less insidious, but equally worthless. It is entertainment. Nothing more, and nothing less. Newscasters are not telling what is true, nor are they telling what some puppetmaster tells them to say. They are telling what will make their target audience turn on their channel again. And given the appalling intellectual deficiency of the average American (I love my country and hate to speak so ill of my countrymen but it's a fact), "what will make their target audience turn on their channel again" is what Colonel Potter from M.A.S.H. would have called "horse-hockey."
There's a simple mnemonic to help make sense of it.
Real news tells you the truth and makes you think.
Chinese news tells you what the government wants you to think.
American news tells you what you already think, and claims to have "informed" you.
Complicating this slightly is the fact that a lot of America's media outlets are being bought up by China (meaning they are now spouting the CCP's line, case in point), but I'll get to that in a blog entry. For now, just suffice it to say that what is being paraded around as "news" in America is neither news nor propaganda. It's entertainment, fictional entertainment, pure and simple.
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