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RE: Shadow Ban

in #discussion7 years ago (edited)

I was going to write a post about this myself. It is infuriating to be honest. Just another example of the fascism on the left. If they don't like what you say, not only do they not want to see it. They don't want anyone else to see it either. The worst part is that Twitter is a US company and freedom of speech is a cornerstone of the principles on which our country was founded.

I also want to point out that companies like facebook and Twitter import many workers from the third world to work on h1-b visas. Many of the workers coming from places that do not have freedom of speech, do not value freedom of speech, and certainly do not have an issue taking that freedom from others. As an American, I have a very serious problem with some foreigner living and working in this country silencing our voices at his whim with the push of a button and bragging about it. But, maybe now we can all understand a bit better why these leftists that own the tech companies, social media, etc. like to import and hire more people like this. People who are compliant and will not complain when freedom they never had is slowly taken away.