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RE: ‘liquid air’

in #discussion7 years ago

An Island in the Azores, Off the coast of portugal, uses the wind excess to desalinate water. When they have reached their goal for fresh water, they pump it up several thousand feet into a dormant volcano caldera. When they need power in low wind conditions, they run Hydroelectric generators (kind of like the GRDA does). The next day, they pump that same fresh water back up hill. They run their back up diesel that used to supply the entire island once a year to test it. They are also supplying other islands with drinking water, and they have farms, because they can irrigate.

That said, these wind generators suck, Very poor design!

Also, a single alternate energy source, is a poor choice. I will begin with Solar, but I will add wind ASAP. When one does not work well, the other generates solid power.



Excellent points...

Thanks, I love alternate energy!
