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RE: Ocassional Cortex

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

Seems that back in those days, the two parties had their ideologies reversed. And as far people going to their homes, or send mail bombs for any political ideology is wrong. Violence begets Violence, so that one book or quote goes, live by the sword die by the sword.
But Anonymity can be your friend when you're spewing crap or have things other might want like gold or btc or steem.


Anonymity can be your friend when you're spewing crap
Confession is good for the soul. I'm surprised that you would admit that. Very good.

the two parties had their ideologies reversed
liberals (the democrats) 'back in those days' would be classified as conservatives, by todays standards. Rather EXTREME in fact.
The Republicans would be considered reactionary by today's standards.

The Democrats today would be considered Radical Batshit Crazy Insane psychotics by the standards of 'those days'. Today's Republicans would be considered liberal.

It seems the political ideology is moving left.