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RE: Rosanne Barr is a Liberal

in #discussion7 years ago

flippant and ambivalent with a nuclear launch button at his instant disposal, nice. and it does not matter what political party you belong to, it is ultimately your actions that point to your ideology, and the Trump dynasty is inherently racist and supremacist.


His father was a lifelong democrat too, thus the racism and supremacy?

Political affiliation is just a veil, and Fred Trump was a racist and supremacist based on his actions, just like his son's actions.
You like facts, here you go Facts

The only evidence of racism in that post is evidence of yours. Let me get this right, the KKK marched through Trumps neighborhood in NYC and there was a brawl and you think Fred ran out and joined the KKK in the fight?

That makes sense to you, huh?

There are multiple reports of this incident written by newspapers, not me. One report mentioned that those arrested wore the hooded kkk outfit.
Fred was most likely the wealthiest of those arrested, and oddly only one attorney represented those arrested. And of course, by the grace of god, Fred was the only one not formally charged.
Then fast forward to the accusations of war profiteering and racial divide in the 50's (including a Guthrie song).
That was followed up by actual formal charges of discrimination by the US DOJ in the 70's and this time it included Donald Trump as well.
The M.O. fits that Fred and Donald Trump are prejudiced and supremacists. Ultimately, their actions speak for themselves, and they scream racists and supremacists.

Yup, and there is not one shred of evidence in any of them that Fred Trump was on the side of the KKK who was coming into his neighborhood to incite violence there. The most likely explanation was that he was arrested after fighting them. Actual formal charges at properties they owned that resulted in no finding of wrongdoing. Alleged improprieties at a property they owned in the 70s doesn't make Trump a racist, nor does a song. The reason they couldn't win that case is that there were actually black tenants in the buildings where they were allegedly discriminating against black people.

Trump's grandfather fighting the KKK doesn't make him a white supremacist, that's silly.

Here is the thing, if you had a real case against Donald Trump you wouldn't have to make shit up about his grandfather to try to make the case.

Ultimately how many awards did Jesse Jackson give Trump on the behalf of the Rainbow Coalition?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's a duck, and a pig with lipstick will always be a pig.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Sure, keep telling people that this man is a white supremacist.